Texas Family Group Sheet for the John Henry Gilmore Family

Husband: John Henry GILMORE
Birthdate: 1818
Birthplace: Dickson County, AL
Death date: 1900
Place of death: Daingerfield, Morris, TX
Burial: Bradfield Chapel Cemetery
Father: Matthew Gilmore
Mother: Margaret Logan

Marriage date: 1836
Marriage place: Marion County, AL

Wife: Lydia 'Polly' DOWNS
Birthdate: 1820
Birthplace: Tennessee
Death date:
Place of death: Bexar, Marion, AL
Father: Thomas Matthew Downs, Sr.
Mother: Susannah Gunter


Child No. 1: William Robert Gilmore
Sex: M
Birthdate: 4 Apr 1837
Birthplace: Tennessee
Death date: 7 Mar 1901
Place of death: Daingerfield, Morris, TX
Burial: Bradfield Chapel Cemetery
Marriage date: 5 May 1864
Marriage place: Americus, Sumter, GA
Spouse's name: Mary Ann Massey

Child No. 2: Melinda Emmaline Gilmore
Sex: F
Birthdate: 23 Sep 1843
Birthplace: Bexar, Marion, AL
Death date: 2 Jun 1896
Place of death: Hamilton, Marion, AL
Burial: Mt. Zion Cemetery
Marriage date: 22 Oct 1873
Marriage place: Marion County, AL
Spouse's name: Henry Kindle Massey

Child No. 3: Sarah Jane Gilmore
Sex: F
Birthdate: Jun 1847
Birthplace: Bexar, Marion, AL
Death date: 10 Nov 1927
Place of death: Sulligent, Lamar, AL
Burial: Mt. Zion Cemetery
Marriage date: 1864
Marriage place: Marion County, AL
Spouse's name: Robert Gaskins

Child No. 4: Susan Caroline Gilmore
Sex: F
Birthdate: 18 Mar 1850
Birthplace: Bexar, Marion, AL
Death date: 24 Dec 1936
Place of death: Amory, Monroe, AL
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: None

Child No. 5: Henry Dee Lewis Gilmore
Sex: M
Birthdate: Nov 1851
Birthplace: Bexar, Marion, AL
Death date: 14 Feb 1923
Place of death: Daingerfield, Morris, TX
Marriage date: 1876
Burial: Bradfield Chapel Cemetery
Marriage place: Marion County, AL
Spouse's name: Louisa Jane Smith

Child No. 6: Lydia Gilmore
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1852
Birthplace: Bexar, Marion, AL
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 7: Clara V Gilmore
Sex: F
Birthdate: May 1857
Birthplace: Bexar, Marion, AL
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: William Allen

Child No. 8: Tryphossie Gilmore
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1856
Birthplace: Bexar, Marion, AL
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 9: Susan Gilmore
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1859
Birthplace: Bexar, Marion, AL
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* William Robert Gilmore: 21st Inf Co B - 6 Ft. tall.
* Robert Gaskins: 16th AL Inf Co. G.

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