Texas Family Group Sheet for the John Anthony GILCHRIST Family
Husband: John Anthony GILCHRIST
(1, 2, 3)
Birthdate: Dec. 15, 1785
(4, 6)
Birthplace: st. Landry Parish Louisiana
Death date: after Sept. 27, 1867
Place of death: Jasper County Texas
Father: Guillaume GILCHRIST
Mother: Susanna CHATELLERAULT/ROY (3)
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Louisiana
Wife: Sarah "Sallie" MILHOLM
(3, 4)
Birthdate: 1793
Birthplace: Louisiana
Death date:
Place of death: Jasper County Texas
Father: Francoise MILHOLM
Mother: Prudence CHOATE (4)
Child No. 1: Mary "Polly" GILCHRIST (3)
Sex: F
Birthdate: abt 1814
Birthplace: Louisiana
Death date:
Place of death: Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Joe W. TURNER (3)
Child No. 2: Jackson GILCHRIST (3, 4, 6)
Sex: M
Birthdate: abt 1815
Birthplace: Louisiana
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Child No. 3: Adelia GILCHRIST (3)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1822 (1, 6)
Birthplace: Louisiana
Death date:
Place of death: Texas
Marriage date: before 1838
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Alfred BEVIL
Child No. 4: William Clarence GILCHRIST (3)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1825 (6)
Birthplace: Louisiana
Death date:
Place of death: Jasper County Texas
Marriage date: Jan.7, 1852
Marriage place: Newton County Texas
Spouse's name: America MCMAHON
Child No. 5: Johmn Guillaume GILCHRIST (3)
Birthdate: 1827 (6)
Birthplace: Louisiana
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Sarah
Child No. 6: David Ralph GILCHRIST (3)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1830 (6)
Birthplace: Jasper County ,Texas
Death date: June 26, 1901
Place of death: Jasper County ,Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Priscilla DUBOSE
Child No. 7: Helen Katherine GILCHRIST (3)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1832 (5)
Birthplace: Jaspe County, Texas
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: William Francis BOYKIN
Child No. 8: Walker Odem GILCHRIST
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1839 (6)
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
1. "Yellowed Pages";
2. Probate Record St. Landry Parish. Estate of William(Guillaume) and Susanne Gilchrist;
3. Census-Jasper, Bevil Municipality Texas, May 1, 1835;
4. "Some Early Southeast Texas Families" by Thomas Wilson;
5. "The First Census of Texas 1829-1836", by Marion Day Mullens Pub. N.G.S. 1983;
6. Newton County, Texas Census-1850.
Copyright © Barbara Langham. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: Barbara Langham
Email address: nanabar16@msn.com