Texas Family Group Sheet for the Thomas Jefferson Gibson Family

Husband: Thomas Jefferson GIBSON
Birthdate: ca 1788
Birthplace: North Carolina
Death date: Abt. 1868
Place of death: Upshur County, Texas
Burial: Cross Roads Cemetery, Upshur County, Texas
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: Abt. 1809
Marriage place: North Carolina

Wife: Mary Lane MORRIS
Birthdate: Abt. 1790
Birthplace: North Carolina
Death date: 1857
Place of death: Caddo Parish, Louisana
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: John Decatur Gipson
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 28 Dec 1810
Birthplace: Tennessee/Soutn Carolina
Death date: Feb 1874
Place of death: Franklin County, Texas
Marriage date: 08 Nov 1832
Marriage place: Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Spouse's name: Tabitha "Betsy" Coots

Child No. 2: Leroy Lane "L.L." Gipson
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 1822
Birthplace: Tennessee
Death date: 1865
Place of death: Navasota, Grimes County, Texas
Marriage date: Abt. 1842
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Lucretia Ray

Child No. 3: Mary B. Gipson
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 1823
Birthplace: Tennessee
Death date: 1857
Place of death: Caddo Parish, Louisiana
Marriage date: 07 Jun 1842
Marriage place: Caddo Parish, Louisiana
Spouse's name: James Wilson Ray

Child No. 4: Thomas Lane Gipson
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 20 Aug 1824
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date: 02 Feb 1882
Place of death: Upshur County, Texas
Burial: Cross Roads Cemetery, Upshur County, Texas
Marriage date: 1846
Marriage place: DeSota Parish, Louisiana
Spouse's name: Charlotte Nancy Harris
* Census Records,
* County Records,
* Barbara Trammell Black,
* LaVerne Williams Rodgers,
* Family Records.

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