Texas Family Group Sheet for the John GERMANY Family

Husband: John GERMANY
Birthdate: abt 1800
Birthplace: Georgia
Death date: 31 Jan 1862
Place of death: near Mansfield, Tarrant Co, Texas
Burial: near Mansfield, Tarrant Co, Texas
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: by 1830
Marriage place: probably Mississippi

Wife: unknown
Death date:
Place of death:


Child No. 1: GERMANY, Mary Ellen
Sex: F
Birthdate: 21 Sep 1830
Birthplace: Mississippi
Death date: 31 Mar 1898
Place of death: Montague, Montague Co, Texas
Burial: Montague Cemetery, Montague, Texas
Marriage date: 12 Jan 1848
Marriage place: Madison Co, Mississippi
Spouse's name: HART, John Anthony

Child No. 2: GERMANY, Nancy Louise
Sex: F
Birthdate: Oct 1833
Birthplace: Mississippi
Death date: 27 Jan 1906
Place of death: Montague, Montague Co, Texas
Burial: Montague Cemetery, Montague, Texas
Marriage date: 21 Jun 1849
Marriage place: Madison Co, Mississippi
Spouse's name: BAILEY, James M.
+ 1830 census Madison Co MS.
+ Madison Co MS marriages 1834-1900.
+ 1850 census Harrison Co TX.
+ 1860 census Harrison Co TX.
+ 1862 Probate Records of John GERMANY, Tarrant Co TX.
+ Abstract of John Germany's obituary Mar 1862 from The Texas Republican, Marshall, Harrison Co TX.
+ 1870 census Tarrant Co TX.
+ 1880 census Montague Co TX.
+ 1900 census Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory.
+ Records of the Montague Cemetery, Montague, Montague Co, TX.

(1) It is thought that John GERMANY's 1st wife died when her two daughters were toddlers as they had no other children.
(2) John GERMANY 2nd married an Elizabeth [unknown] before 1860 but they had no children together. In his will he left Elizabeth "one year's provisions" and he left the remainder of his estate to his two daughters.

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