Texas Family Group Sheet for the John GEMAR Family

Husband: John GEMAR
Birthdate: 12-17-1882
Birthplace: Russia
Death date: 3-5-1956
Place of death: Wichita Falls, Wichita Co. TX
Burial: Crestview Memorial Park
Father: Heinrich Gemar
Mother: Juliane Feiock

Marriage date: 2-10-1905
Marriage place: Hurnville, Clay Co. TX

Wife: Rosena SCHAFFNER
Birthdate: 5-19-1888
Birthplace: Odessa, Russia
Death date: 7-3-1978
Place of death: Irving, Dallas Co. TX
Burial: Crestview Memorial Cemetery
Father: Daniel Schaffner
Mother: Maria Bauder


Child No. 1: Lydia Hannah Gemar
Sex: f
Birthdate: 10-15-1905
Birthplace: Hurnville, Clay Co. TX
Death date: 10-16-1991
Place of death: Tarrant Co. TX
Burial: Tarrant Co. TX
Marriage date: 1925
Marriage place: Wichita Co. TX
Spouse's name: Carl L. Sampert

Child No. 2: Theodore Roosevelt Gemar
Sex: m
Birthdate: 8-12-1906
Birthplace: Clay Co. TX
Death date: 3-12-1979
Place of death: Henrietta Co. TX
Burial: Hope Cemetery
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Clay Co. TX
Spouse's name: Louise Ann Wiist

Child No. 3: Arthur B. Otto Gemar
Sex: m
Birthdate: 8-1-1907
Birthplace: Clay Co. TX
Death date: Nov 1982
Place of death: N. Las Vegas, Clark Co. NV
Burial: Sandia Memory Gardens
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Lillian Thompson

Child No. 4: Dora Mae Gemar
Sex: f
Birthdate: 9-15-1909
Birthplace: Clay Co. TX
Death date: 12-9-1997
Place of death: Wichita Falls, Wichita Co. TX
Burial: Wichita Co. TX
Marriage date: 1932
Marriage place: TX
Spouse's name: Gus Bachman

Child No. 5: Uriah Sam Gemar
Sex: m
Birthdate: 10-15-1910
Birthplace: Clay Co. TX
Death date: 11-30-1991
Place of death: Wichita Falls, Wichita Co. TX
Marriage date: 8-21-1943
Burial: Festus, MO
Marriage place: Crystal City, MO
Spouse's name: Verna Bernita Biggs

Child No. 6: William Bill Gemar
Sex: m
Birthdate: 2-14-1911
Birthplace: Clay Co.TX
Death date: 2-5-2005
Place of death: Tuscon, Pima Co. AZ
Burial: Tucson, AZ
Marriage date: 1932
Marriage place: TX
Spouse's name: Ara Collins

Child No. 7: Matilda Prisilla Gemar
Sex: f
Birthdate: 9-28-1912
Birthplace: Clay Co. TX
Death date: unknown
Place of death:
Marriage date: 1936
Marriage place: Clay Co. TX
Spouse's name: Edd Bachman

Child No. 8: Betty Gemar
Sex: f
Birthdate: 10-28-1929
Birthplace: Wichita Co. TX
Death date: unknown
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place: TX
Spouse's name: Cloyd Chaffin
* Family Bible Records.
* Clay Co. Census.

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