Texas Family Group Sheet for the Heinrich GEMAR Family
Husband: Heinrich GEMAR
Birthdate: 1-3-1847
Birthplace: Rohrbach, Odessa, Russia
Death date: 3-29-1937
Place of death: Hurnville, Clay Co. TX
Burial: Clay Co. TX
Father: Sohn von Peter Gemar
Mother: Johanna Fritschlen
Marriage date: 1872
Marriage place: Russia
Wife: Juliane FEILOCK
Birthdate: 9-7-1853
Birthplace: Russia
Death date: 2-25-1922
Place of death: Hurnville, Clay Co. TX
Burial: Clay Co. TX
Father: Michael Feiock
Mother: Margareta Krieg
Child No. 1: John Gemar
Sex: m
Birthdate: 12-17-1882
Birthplace: Russia
Death date: 3-5-1956
Place of death: Wichita Falls, Wichita Co. TX
Burial: Crestview Memorial
Marriage date: 2-10-1905
Marriage place: Clay Co. TX
Spouse's name: Rosena Schaffner
Child No. 2: Elizabeth Gemar
Sex: f
Birthdate: 11-13-1884
Birthplace: Rohrbach, Odessa, Russia
Death date: 10-5-1967
Place of death: Henrietta, Clay Co. TX
Burial: Hurnville Cemetery
Marriage date: 1903
Marriage place: TX
Spouse's name: Jacob Bachman
Child No. 3: Hannah Gemar
Sex: f
Birthdate: 12-18-1886
Birthplace: Russia
Death date: unknown
Place of death: TX
Burial: unknown
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Henry Betz
Child No. 4: Frank Gemar
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1-30-1890
Birthplace: Russia
Death date: 10-16-1971
Place of death: LaGrange, Fayette Co. TX
Burial: LaGrange City Cemetery
Marriage date: 1938
Marriage place: TX
Spouse's name: Pauline Delos Newby
* 1910 Clay Co. Census.
* Family records.
* Birth, marriage, Death records, Clay Co. Courthouse & Library.
* Obituaries saved by family.
Copyright © Terry Dixon. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: Terry Dixon
Email address: wichitasugar@yahoo.com