Texas Family Group Sheet for the Jose Vela Garza Family

Husband: Jose Vela GARZA
Birthdate: 1875
Birthplace: Rio Grande City, Texas
Death date: 1912
Place of death: Tivoli, Texas
Burial: Tivoli cementry
Father: Manuel Garza
Mother: Juana Vela

Marriage date:
Marriage place:

Wife: Eulilia HERNANDEZ
Birthdate: 1875
Birthplace: Matamorros, Tam. Mex.
Death date: 1945
Place of death: Refugio, Texas
Burial: Tivoli, Tx
Father: Pelagio Hernandez
Mother: Senobia Vela


Child No. 1: Jose Garza
Sex: m
Birthdate: 7/30/1896
Birthplace: Rio Grande City, Tx
Death date: 1970
Place of death: Refugio, Tx
Burial: Refugio, Tx
Marriage date: 1915
Marriage place: Tivoli, Tx.
Spouse's name: Isabel Perez

Child No. 2: Pedro Garza
Sex: m
Birthdate: 7/31/1896
Birthplace: Rio Grande
Death date: 1966
Place of death: Refugio
Burial: Refugio
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Eva Rodriguez

Child No. 3: Gregorio Garza
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1903
Death date:
Place of death: Refugio
Burial: Tivoli
Marriage date: 1930
Marriage place: refugio
Spouse's name: Filomena Canales

Child No. 4: Agustin Garza
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1902
Death date: 1950
Place of death: Refugio
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 5: Santos Garza
Sex: f
Birthdate: 1900
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: 1955
Burial: Taft, Texas
Marriage place: Taft, Tx
Spouse's name: Jose Macias

Child No. 6: Modesto Garza
Sex: m
Death date:
Place of death:
Burial: Refugio
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

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