Texas Family Group Sheet for the Earl Thurman GARY, Sr. Family

Husband: Earl Thurman GARY Sr.
Birthdate: 30 May 1891
Birthplace: Panola Co., TX
Death date: 2 Feb 1964
Place of death: Gregg Co., TX
Father: Andrew Washington 'Bud' GARY
Mother: Martha J. KINSEY

Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place:

Wife: Mary Lee HOUSTON
Birthdate: unknown
Birthplace: unknown
Death date: 18 Oct 1954
Place of death: burial Gladewater Memorial Gardens, Gladewater, TX
Father: uinknown
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: Earl Thurman GARY, Jr
Sex: m
Birthdate: 26 Jul 1917
Birthplace: Ashdown, AR
Death date: 30 Mar 1988
Place of death: Gregg Co., TX
Marriage date: 2 Jun 193_
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: Lois Etta FRYAR

Child No. 2: LIVING
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: LIVING
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Mildred Williadean GARY
Sex: f
Birthdate: 11 Dec 1923
Birthplace: Henderson Co., TX
Death date: 16 Nov 2000
Place of death: Modesto, CA
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Donald M. HOWE

Child No. 5: Burtis Lloyd 'Bud' GARY
Birthdate: 18 Jul 1927
Birthplace: Henderson Co., TX
Death date: 19 Aug 1981
Place of death: Fresno Co., CA
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Evelyn SMITH ZIMMERMAN

Child No. 6: LIVING
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* Family records.

* No known children in first marriage to Mary WILLIS, assume she died.

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