Texas Family Group Sheet for the Samuel Newton GARVIN Family
Husband: Samuel Newton GARVIN
Birthdate: December 12, 1844
Birthplace: Newton Co. Missouri
Death date: August 1905
Place of death: Ellis Co. TX
Father: Benjamin G. GARVIN
Mother: Rachel BILLINGSLEY
Marriage date: December 12, 1867
Marriage place: Dallas, Dallas Co. TX
Wife: Evaline Isabella WALCOTT
Birthdate: February 1850
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date: April 9, 1908
Place of death: Ellis Co. TX
Father: ___ WALCOTT
Child No. 1: Grisby GARVIN
Sex: M
Birthdate: ca 1868
Death date: October 5, 1868
Place of death: Ellis Co. TX (Mt. Zion Cem)
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Child No. 2: William J. "Jack" GARVIN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1870
Death date:
Place of death: Dallas, Dallas Co. TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Child No. 3: **George Thomas GARVIN
Sex: M
Birthdate: August 2, 1872
Birthplace: TX
Death date: Dec 29, 1940
Place of death: Dallas, Dallas Co. TX
Marriage date: June 28, 1897
Marriage place: Dallas or Grimes Co. TX
Spouse's name: Elizabeth Brussels WEST
Child No. 4: Lula GARVIN
Sex: F
Birthdate: July 1874
Birthplace: Ellis Co. TX
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Child No. 5: Walter GARVIN
Birthdate: August a4, 1876
Birthplace: Ellis Co. TX
Death date: March 9, 1877
Place of death: Ellis Co. TX (Mt. Zion Cem)
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Child No. 6: Marvin Loc(?) GARVIN
Sex: M
Birthdate: March 1878
Birthplace: Ellis Co. TX
Death date: December 24, 1941
Place of death: Arlington, Tarrant Co. TX
Marriage date: 1898
Marriage place: Ellis Co. TX
Spouse's name: Thenia
Child No. 7: Jessie GARVIN
Sex: F
Birthdate: October 1880
Birthplace: Ellis Co. TX
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Child No. 8: Fred C. GARVIN
Sex: M
Birthdate: December 1882
Birthplace: Ellis Co. TX
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* Census records from Dallas and Ellis County,
* Other documents.
* This is my husband's grandfather.
Copyright © Patsy Vinson. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: Patsy Vinson
Email address: PVinson47@aol.com