Texas Family Group Sheet for the Othniel GARDNER Family

Husband: Othniel GARDNER
Birthdate: 6 July 1843
Birthplace: MS
Death date: 27 Feb 1886
Place of death: Aley, Henderson Co, TX
Father: James Marion GARDNER
Mother: Elizabeth Jane (?)

Marriage date: 16 January 1868
Marriage place: Henderson Co, TX

Wife: Ann Hester CLARK
Birthdate: 18 August 1844
Birthplace: Caddo Parish, LA
Death date: ca 1915
Place of death: Aley, Henderson Co, TX
Father: William Fain CLARK
Mother: Arena MCLEOD


Child No. 1: Mary Elizabeth GARDNER
Sex: F
Birthdate: 25 January 1871
Birthplace: Aley, Henderson Co, TX
Death date: 28 April 1899
Place of death: Aley, Henderson Co, TX
Marriage date: 4 April 1889
Marriage place: Aley, Henderson Co, TX
Spouse's name: James William SPRINGER

Child No. 2: George Fletcher GARDNER
Sex: M
Birthdate: 27 February 1875
Birthplace: Aley, Henderson Co, TX
Death date: 27 September 1878
Place of death: Aley, Henderson Co, TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* Othniel Gardner Bible, published New York, American Bible Society, 1867, in Custody of Catherine Smith, gives birth, marriage and death dates.
* Henderson Co. TX Marriage Book 1, p. 185 by John A. Mayze, J.P.
* 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 Henderson County, TX census records.
* Ruth Riley Peavy, Cemetery Records of Henderson & Surrounding Texas Counties, Vol 1, La Rue, Texas: 1972; in custody of Catherine Smith, p. 104 # 65 gives birth and death dates.

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