Texas Family Group Sheet for the Martin Henry GAGE Family

Husband: Martin Henry GAGE
Birthdate: Oct 15, 1887
Birthplace: Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: Oct 9, 1971
Place of death: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Burial: Hoover Cemetary, Upshur County, Texas
Father: Abraham A "PAP" GAGE
Mother: Sarah Lucinda WOLF

Marriage date: Oct 10, 1911
Marriage place: Upshur County, Texas

Wife: Ossie Elvira MOONEY
Birthdate: Feb 14, 1891
Birthplace: Upshur County, Texas
Death date: May 1, 1983
Place of death: Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas
Burial: Hoover Cemetary, Upshur County, Texas
Father: John P. MOONEY
Mother: Florence HAIL


Child No. 1: Zezzie Zenner GAGE
Sex: M
Birthdate: Oct 5, 1912
Birthplace: Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: Dec 9, 2004
Place of death: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Burial: Shady Grove Cemetary, Upshur County, Texas
Marriage date: Nov 16, 1931
Marriage place: Upshur County, Texas
Spouse's name: Eva Corine WELDON

Child No. 2: Emma Lou GAGE
Sex: F
Birthdate: Abt. 1914
Birthplace: Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: Died Young
Place of death: Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas
Burial: Prob. Hoover Cemetary, Upshur County, Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Zydie Gordon GAGE
Sex: M
Birthdate: Oct 9, 1916
Birthplace: Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: Sep 1979
Place of death: Jacksonville, Cherokee County, Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Ester Mae STEADMAN

Child No. 4: LIVING

Child No. 5: Dalton GAGE
Sex: M
Birthdate: Abt. 1920
Birthplace: Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: Died Young
Place of death: Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas
Burial: Prob. Hoover Cemetary, Upshur County, Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 6: Bonnie Faye GAGE
Sex: F
Birthdate: Oct 23, 1915
Birthplace: Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: Jan 29, 1993
Place of death: Longview, Gregg County, Texas
Marriage date: 1939
Marriage place: Upshur County, Texas
Spouse's name: Guy Elwin WIMBERLEY

Child No. 7: Emma Mae GAGE
Sex: F
Birthdate: Jan 4, 1925
Birthplace: Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas
Death date:
Place of death: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Marriage date: unknown; 1943; 1970; unknown
Marriage place: unknown; Upshur; Van Zandt; unknown - all Texas
Spouse's name: Bob TURNER; Edward ASKEW; Arnold D. McELROY; Jim PIERCE

Child No. 8: Lois Elvira GAGE
Sex: F
Birthdate: Dec 13, 1926
Birthplace: Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: Jul 9 1971
Place of death: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Marriage date: unknown; Mar 1, 1968
Marriage place: unknown.; Upshur County, Texas
Spouse's name: Arnie McELROY; James William AMOS
* Living Gage, 42 years in the family, www.ancestry.com.

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