Texas Family Group Sheet for the Lawerence Harrison FENNELL Family

Husband: Lawerence Harrison FENNELL
Birthdate: Mar 09 1885
Birthplace: Texas
Death date: Mar 13 1952
Place of death: Upshur Co., Texas
Burial: Soules Chapel, Simpsonville, Gilmer Upshur Co., Texas
Father: William Harrison "Billy" FENNELL
Mother: Martha Matilda MULLINIX

Marriage date: Dec 22, 1907
Marriage place: Upshur Co., Texas

Wife: Nettie Jane COMER
Birthdate: Oct 13, 1890
Birthplace: Texas
Death date: Aug 08, 1958
Place of death: Upshur Co., Texas
Burial: Soules Chapel, Simpsonville, Upshur Co., Texas
Father: William J. "Will" COMER
Mother: Eula Lula ALDREDGE


Child No. 1: Mozelle FENNELL
Sex: F
Birthdate: Dec 27, 1909
Birthplace: Upshur Co., Texas
Death date: Mar 14 1998
Place of death: Baltmore, Maryland
Burial: Maryland
Marriage date: Abt 1945
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Fred STUTZ

Child No. 2: Harmon Aubrey FENNELL
Sex: M
Birthdate: Aug 20, 1911
Birthplace: Simpsonville, Upshur Co., Texas
Death date: Nov 30, 1984
Place of death: Gilmer, Upshur Co., Texas
Burial: Simpsonville Cemetery, Upshur Co., Texas
Marriage date: Aug 1939
Marriage place: Upshur Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Elma Beryl LAWRENCE

Child No. 3: Erma Faye FENNELL
Sex: F
Birthdate: Jan 03, 1913
Birthplace: Simpsonville, Upshur Co., Texas
Death date: Apr 27 1986
Place of death: Gilmer, Upshur Co., Texas
Burial: Souls Chaple Cemetery, Simpsonville, Upshur Co., Texas
Marriage date: Abt 1935
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Robert Ardney "Bob" BLUNDELL

Child No. 4: Mildred Durene "Till" FENNELL
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1915
Birthplace: Simpsonville, Upshur Co., Texas
Death date: Jan 02 1987
Place of death: Gilmer, Upshur Co., Texas
Burial: Souls Chaple Cemetery, Simpsonville, Upshur Co., Texas
Marriage date: abt 1935
Marriage place: Upshur Co., Texas
Spouse's name: M.J. "Jiggs" STEGER

Child No. 5: Lawrence Wayne FENNELL
Sex: M
Birthdate: Nov 01, 1919
Birthplace: Simpsonville, Upshur Co., Texas
Death date: Aug 29, 2004
Place of death: Tyler, Smith Co., Texas
Marriage date: Abt 1940
Burial: Sunset Memorial Park, Gilmer, Upshur Co., Texas
Marriage place: Upshur Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Living

Child No. 6: Bulford Harold "Mike" FENNELL
Sex: M
Birthdate: Apr 15 1923
Birthplace: Simpsonville, Upshur Co., Texas
Death date: Feb 06, 2001
Place of death: Longview, Gregg Co., Texas
Burial: Harleton, Harrison Co., Texas
Marriage date: Abt 1951
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Living

Child No. 7: Horace Randle FENNELL
Sex: M
Birthdate: July 17 ,1927
Birthplace: Gilmer, Upshur Co., Texas
Death date: Oct 17, 1968
Place of death: Longview, Gregg Co., Texas
Burial: Memory Park, Longview Gregg Co., Texas
Marriage date: May 04 1949
Marriage place: Gregg Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Doris Darline LARKINS

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