Texas Family Group Sheet for the William Clarence EVANS Family

Husband: William Clarence EVANS
Birthdate: June 01, 1889
Birthplace: Anderson Co TX
Death date: 1985
Place of death: Castroville TX
Father: John Andrew EVANS
Mother: Susan Matilda DAVIS

Marriage date: May 09, 1909
Marriage place: Lytton Springs, Caldwell Co., TX

Wife: Mattie Bruce Maud HARRIS
Birthdate: October 03, 1890
Birthplace: Caldwell Co TX
Death date: March 26, 1976
Place of death: Austin, TX
Burial: Lytton Springs Cemetery
Father: Henry Clay HARRIS
Mother: Leanah Pollard


Child No. 1: Theban Andrew EVANS
Sex: M
Birthdate: January 09, 1911
Birthplace: Caldwell Co, TX
Death date: October 30, 1980
Place of death: San Angelo, Tx
Marriage date: July 16, 1939
Marriage place: Shamrock, TX
Spouse's name: Lotti Medora SHOEMAKER

Child No. 2: Blanche Matilda EVANS
Sex: F
Birthdate: October 01, 1916
Birthplace: Sabinal TX
Death date: August 04, 1998
Place of death: Wimberly, TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Vernon Morgan KELLEY

Child No. 3: Leanah Lynn EVANS
Sex: F
Birthdate: September 16, 1922
Birthplace: Kyle, TX
Death date: September 16, 1992
Place of death: Ft Stockton, TX
Marriage date: January 09, 1943
Marriage place: San Antonio, TX
Spouse's name: Robert Lee Brown

Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

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