Texas Family Group Sheet for the Henry Thomas Eubanks Family

Husband: Henry Thomas EUBANKS
Birthdate: 1870
Birthplace: Tennessee
Death date: January 21, 1916
Place of death: Kemp, Kaufman Co., TX
Burial: Shiloh Cemetery

Marriage date: July, 1899
Marriage place: Kemp, Kaufman Co., TX

Wife: Minnie Lee McDOUGALD
Birthdate: August 24, 1874
Birthplace: Kemp, Kaufman Co., TX
Death date: January 4, 1964
Place of death: Kemp, Kaufman Co., TX
Burial: Shiloh Cemetery
Father: Archibald Black McDougald
Mother: Mary Elizabeth Parks


Child No. 1: Flora Eubanks
Sex: F
Birthdate: April 8, 1901
Birthplace: Kemp, Kaufman Co., TX
Death date: April, 1984
Place of death: Gaines County, TX
Burial: unknown
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Bertie Ivey

Child No. 2: Katie Eubanks
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1904
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Annie Mae Eubanks
Sex: F
Birthdate: January 17, 1907
Birthplace: Kemp, Kaufman Co., Texas
Death date: June 4, 1989
Place of death: Harris County, Texas
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: July 8, 1973
Marriage place: Kemp, Kaufman County, Texas
Spouse's name: Marion T. Spain

Child No. 4: Archibald Bethel Eubanks
Sex: M
Birthdate: October 26, 1908
Birthplace: Kemp, Kaufman Co., TX
Death date: April 19, 1991
Place of death: Odessa, Ector Co., TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* TXGenWeb site, Kaufman Co., Texas.
* US Census Texas 1900 to 1930.
* Texas Death Index.
* Social Security Death Index.
* Family records of Tennie Elizabeth Barnes.

This is Minnie's 3rd husband.

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