Texas Family Group Sheet for the Wiley Powell Etheridge Family

Husband: Wiley Powell ETHERIDGE
Birthdate: 8-2-1848
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date: 2-15-1920
Place of death: Chico, Wise Co., Texas
Burial: Chico Cemetery
Father: Jesse Lafayette Etheridge
Mother: Mary Ann Perry

Marriage date: 10-8-1871
Marriage place: Paris, Henry Co., Tn

Wife: Martha Elizabeth ANDERSON
Birthdate: 5-30-1848
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date: 3-24-1923
Place of death: Chico, Wise Co., Texas
Burial: Chico Cemetery
Father: Robert Lee Anderson Sr.
Mother: Mary Smith


Child No. 1: Charley Powell Etheridge
Sex: M
Birthdate: 8-29-1872
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date: 8-29-1956
Place of death: Duncan, Stephens Co., Ok
Burial: Comanche Cemetery
Marriage date: 3-29-1891
Marriage place: Henry Co., Tn
Spouse's name: Nancy Elizabeth George

Child No. 2: Nettie Elizabeth Etheridge
Sex: F
Birthdate: 7-31-1874
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date: 3-6-1952
Place of death: Sweetwater, Nolan Co., Texas
Burial: Sweetwater Cemetery
Marriage date: 5-28-1903
Marriage place: Wise Co., Texas
Spouse's name: W. Thomas Goad

Child No. 3: Minnie Belle Etheridge
Sex: F
Birthdate: 12-19-1875
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date: 1-30-1961
Place of death: Chico, Wise Co., Texas
Burial: Chico Cemetery
Marriage date: 1-2-1917
Marriage place: Wise Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Adam Thomas Johnson

Child No. 4: Arthur Glen Etheridge
Sex: M
Birthdate: 12-1877
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date: 5-1-1953
Place of death: Fargo, Wilbarger Co., Texas
Burial: Eastview Memorial Park
Marriage date: 5-30-1909
Marriage place: Chatanooga, Comanche Co., Ok
Spouse's name: Myrtle Jumper

Child No. 5: Ina V. Etheridge
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1879
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date: 1946
Place of death: Chico, Wise Co., Tx
Marriage date: 11-7-1897
Burial: Chico Cemetery
Marriage place: Wise Co., Tx
Spouse's name: Thomas B. Stack

Child No. 6: Jesse Etheridge
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1880
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 7: Robert Luther Etheridge
Sex: M
Birthdate: 3-12-1881
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date: 3-7-1954
Place of death: Dallas, Dallas Co., Tx
Burial: Llano Cemetery, Potter Co., Tx
Marriage date: 11-1-1902
Marriage place: Wise Co., Tx
Spouse's name: Minnie V. Stack

Child No. 8: George Hearly Etheridge
Sex: M
Birthdate: 5-31-1883
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date: 11-17-1956
Place of death: Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Tx
Burial: Mount Olivet Cemetery, Tarrant co., Tx
Marriage date: 11-24-1907
Marriage place: Wise Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Mallie Womack

Child No. 9: Mary Frances Elizabeth Etheridge
Sex: F
Birthdate: 2-2-1885
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date: 1-31-1941
Place of death: Chico, Wise Co., Tx
Burial: Chico Cemetery, Wise co., Tx
Marriage date: 1-11-1903
Marriage place: Wise Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Ed Stack

Child No. 10: Carl Leroy Etheridge
Sex: M
Birthdate: 10-15-1888
Birthplace: Paris, Henry Co., Tn
Death date: 12-10-1962
Place of death: Altus, Jackson Co., Ok
Burial: Restlawn Cemetery, Altus, Jackson Co., Ok
Marriage date: 9-4-1909
Marriage place: Wise Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Margaret Elizabeth Jumper
* Family knowledge,
* Wise County cemetery records, marriage records and census records.

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