Texas Family Group Sheet for the Elijah Pennington Echols Family #3

Husband: Elijah Pennington ECHOLS
Birthdate: 03/07/1823
Birthplace: GA
Death date: 11/19/1899
Place of death: TX Cass Co.
Burial: Echols Cemetery, O'Farrell
Other Spouses: unknown and Sharlotte Sanders

Marriage date:
Marriage place:

Wife: Martha Elizabeth ISENHOUR
Birthdate: 05/20/1848
Birthplace: AR Montgomery Co.
Death date: 07/30/1879
Place of death: TX Cass Co.
Burial: Echols Cemetery, TX Cass Co. O'Farrell
Father: Moses W. Isenhour
Mother: Amanda Martha McKinney
Other Spouses:


Child No. 1: William Jerome "Bee" Echols
Birthdate: 1867
Birthplace: TX Cass Co.
Death date: 1941
Place of death: TX Howard Co. Big Spring
Burial: Mt. Olive Cemetery, TX Howard Co. Big Spring
Marriage date: 01/20/1886
Marriage place: TX Cass Co.
Spouse 1: Ida Lee Carter

Child No. 2: Mary Emma Echols
Birthdate: 04/10/1869
Birthplace: TX Cass Co.
Death date: 08/10/1897
Place of death: TX Cass Co.
Spouse 1:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Burial: Echols Cemetery, TX Cass Co. O'Farrell

Child No. 3: Katherine Virginia "Kitty" Echols
Birthdate: 10/12/1870
Birthplace: TX Cass Co.
Death date: 07/08/1940
Place of death: TX Cass Co.
Burial: Laws Chapel, TX Cass Co. Atlanta
Marriage date: 01/13/1896
Marriage place: TX Cass Co.
Spouse 1: George H. Lumpkin

Child No. 4: Sylvanus Walter Echols
Birthdate: 01/25/1873
Birthplace: TX Cass Co.
Death date: 03/12/1960
Place of death: TX Cass Co.
Burial: Laws Chapel, TX Cass Co. Atlanta
Marriage date: 11/10/1895
Marriage place: TX Cass Co.
Spouse 1: Eva Alzena Thomas

Child No. 5: Sarah Frances "Fannie" Echols
Birthdate: 09/22/1874
Birthplace: TX Cass Co.
Death date: 1959
Place of death: TX Tarrant Co. Fort Worth
Marriage date: 12/27/1896
Marriage place: TX Cass Co.
Spouse 1: Homer B. Paulette

Child No. 6: Maria Janie Echols
Birthdate: 09/22/1874
Birthplace: TX Cass Co.
Death date: 12/02/1950
Place of death: TX
Burial: River Oaks, TX Tarrant Co. Fort Worth
Marriage date: 11/28/1897
Marriage place: TX Cass Co.
Spouse 1: Benjamin F. Lumpkin

Child No. 7: Georgia A. Echols
Birthdate: 02/11/1877
Birthplace: TX Cass Co.
Death date: 10/02/1931
Place of death: TX Tom Green Co. San Angelo
Burial: TX Tome Green Co.
Marriage date: [1] 01/11/1895 [2] 1900
Marriage place: [1] TX Cass Co. [2] TX Cass Co.
Spouse 1: [1] James Wesley Neal Cook [2] Ed George McKinney

Child No. 8: James Calvin Echols
Birthdate: 04/08/1878
Birthplace: TX Cass Co.
Death date: 1902
Place of death:
Burial: Echols Cemetery, TX Cass Co. O'Farrell
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse 1:

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