Texas Family Group Sheet for the Constantine Francis DRYDEN Family

Husband: Constantine Francis DRYDEN
Birthdate: May 20, 1809 (1, 2, 3)
Birthplace: Washington Co., Virginia (1, 3, 6, 9)
Death date: November 21, 1882 (1, 2, 3)
Place of death: Whitesboro, Grayson Co., Texas (1, 3)
Burial: Oakwood Cemetery, Whitesboro, Texas (2)
Father: William DRYDEN (3)
Mother: Sarah Sharp BERRY (3)

Marriage date: September 17, 1838 (4)
Marriage place: Greene Co., Missouri (4)

Wife: Rebecca C. BURFORD (1, 3, 4, 5)
Birthdate: September 9, 1821 (5)
Birthplace: Tennessee (6, 9 17)
Death date: April 2, 1910 (5, 7)
Place of death: Guymon, Texas Co., Oklahoma (5)
Burial: Elmhurst Cemetery, Guymon, Oklahoma (7)
Father: William Terrell BURFORD (8)
Mother: Hepsabeth BARTON


Child No. 1: William Constantine DRYDEN (6, 9)
Sex: Male
Birthdate: June 18, 1841 (6, 9)
Birthplace: Missouri (6, 9)
Death date: July 29, 1921
Place of death: Eastland Co., Texas
Burial: Eastland, Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Martha ELLINGTON, Sarah HUFF

Child No. 2: Eliza R. DRYDEN (9, 17)
Sex: Female
Birthdate: April 18, 1843 (10)
Birthplace: Independence, Jackson Co., Missouri (10)
Death date: November 29, 1918 (10, 11, 12)
Place of death: Guymon, Texas Co., Oklahoma (10, 11, 12)
Burial: Elmhurst Cemetery, Guymon, Oklahoma (7)
Marriage date: May 19, 1859 (13)
Marriage place: Webster Co., Missouri (13)
Spouse's name: Jonathan COUCH (13)

Child No. 3: Louisa W. DRYDEN (14)
Sex: Female
Birthdate: April 18, 1843 (14)
Birthplace: Independence, Jackson Co., Missouri
Death date: September 18, 1848 (14)
Place of death: Webster Co., Missouri
Burial: Marshfield Cemetery, Marshfield, Missouri (14)
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Nathaniel Bartholomew DRYDEN (6, 9, 15)
Sex: Male
Birthdate: About 1845 (6, 9, 15)
Birthplace: Missouri (6, 9, 15)
Death date: After January 1, 1920 (15)
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 5: David Augustine DRYDEN (6, 9)
Sex: Male
Birthdate: March 28, 1849 (6, 9, 15, 16)
Birthplace: Greene Co, Missouri (6, 9, 15, 16)
Death date: November 13, 1922 (16)
Place of death: Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma (16)
Marriage date: April 10, 1870 (16)
Marriage place: Missouri (16)
Spouse's name: Martha Emiline ALLMAN (16)

Child No. 6: Sarah Bennie DRYDEN (6)
Sex: Female
Birthdate: About 1855 (6)
Birthplace: Missouri (6)
Death date: May 1868
Place of death: Missouri
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
(1) Obituary - "St. Louis Christian Advocate," December 13, 1882, page 6.
(2) Gravestone - Oakwood Cemetery, Whitesboro, TX.
(3) Obituary - "Proceedings of the Southwest Missouri Conference (Methodist Church)," 1883, page 24.
(4) Marriage record -Greene Co., MO, Vol. A. page 58.
(5) Obituary - "Guymon Democrat," April 7, 1910, page 1.
(6) 1860 census - Osage Twsp., Laclede Co., MO, page 70, family 4.
(7) Gravestone - Elmhurst Cemetery, Guymon, OK.
(8) History & Families, Webster Co., MO, 1! 999, Vol. 1, page 388.
(9) 1850 census - Polk Twsp., Greene Co., MO, page 289B, family 672.
(10) Family Bible of Sarah Couch Eichor.
(11) Death certificate.
(12) Obituary - "Guymon Democrat," December 5, 1918, page 1.
(13) Marriage record - Webster Co., MO, Book 1, page 95.
(14) Gravestone - Marshfield Cemetery, Marshfield, MO.
(15) 1920 census - Chandler Twsp., Grady Co., OK, ED# 163, page 270A, family 98.
(16) Information from descendant of David A. DRYDEN.
(17) 1880 census - Precinct #6, Grayson Co., TX, page 328B, family 210.

* Rev. Constantine DRYDEN was licensed to preach in the Missouri Methodist Conference in 1835 and served as a circuit rider as well as a pastor for a number of churches in southwest Missouri. At the time of the Civil War he served as Chaplain of General Ponder's Brigade, 12th Missouri Infantry, CSA. Following his retirement from the ministry in 1877 he, along with his wife, daughter, and grand children, moved to Whitesboro, Grayson Co., Texas, to join his two sons.

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