Texas Family Group Sheet for the James Madison DRIGGERS Family

Husband: James Madison DRIGGERS
Birthdate: April 1860
Birthplace: Fannin Co., TX
Death date: December 1909
Place of death: Rockdale, Milam Co., TX
Father: William David DRIGGERS
Mother: Sophia Malinda ARMSTRONG

Marriage date: February 05, 1880
Marriage place: Hunt Co., TX

Wife: Martha Jane FULFER
Birthdate: ca 1862
Birthplace: Hunt Co., TX
Death date: Bet. 1891 - 1900
Place of death: unknown
Father: Josiah S. FULFER
Mother: Susannah TEAGUE


Child No. 1: Maude DRIGGERS
Sex: f
Birthdate: August 23, 1880
Birthplace: Bonham, Fannin Co., TX
Death date: June 05, 1946
Place of death: Abilene, Taylor Co., TX
Burial: -Knox City Cemetery, Knox City., Texas
Marriage date: 1st May 28, 1897, 2nd February 20, 1905
Marriage place: 1st. Burleson Co., TX, 2nd Milam County, Texas
Spouse's name: John RILEY, Andrew Jackson CARVER

Child No. 2: Maggie Ann DRIGGERS
Sex: f
Birthdate: February 07, 1882
Birthplace: Bonham, Fannin Co., Texas
Death date: October 14, 1969
Place of death: Rockdale, Milam Co., Texas
Burial: -IOOF Cemetery, Milam Co., TX Section G.
Marriage date: November 13, 1899
Marriage place: Milam Co., TX
Spouse's name: Jefferson Davis HILLIN

Child No. 3: William Walter DRIGGERS
Sex: M
Birthdate: June 04, 1882
Birthplace: Bonham, Fannin Co., TX
Death date: March 11, 1920
Place of death: Marquez, Leon Co., TX
Marriage date: March 03, 1903
Marriage place: Robertson Co., TX
Spouse's name: Sally Elizabeth SILLS

Child No. 4: Bessie Jane DRIGGERS
Sex: f
Birthdate: November 19, 1886
Birthplace: Bonham, Fannin Co., TX
Death date: April 06, 1971
Place of death: Tomball, Harris Co., TX
Burial: -George Cemetery, Madison Co., TX-about five miles south of Normangee
Marriage date: 1st. July 28, 1903, 2nd unknown
Marriage place: 1st. Milam Co, TX, 2nd unknown
Spouse's name: 1st. George Henderson "Bud" HENSON, Jesse Ballard MIZE

Child No. 5: Louella "Lula" Ida DRIGGERS
Birthdate: November 03, 1888
Birthplace: Bonham, Fannin Co., TX
Death date: May 20, 1954
Place of death: Houston, Harris Co., TX,
Burial: -Forest Park Cemetery, Houston, Harris Co., TX
Marriage date: 1st. December 21, 1902, 2nd. January 08, 1905
Marriage place: 1st. Milam Co., TX, 2nd. Milam Co., TX
Spouse's name: George Franklin CARVER

Child No. 6: Burton DRIGGERS
Sex: M
Birthdate: May 1889
Birthplace: Possibly Fannin Co., TX
Death date: Bet. 1911 - 1915
Place of death: unknown
Marriage date: 1911
Marriage place: Falls Co. TX
Spouse's name: Mary LINDER
   1. Marriage License of J. S. Driggers and Mrs. Mollie Gause (Carver), Milam County, Texas dated June 3, 1904, record Aug 23, 1904.
   2. Texas Certificate of Death for Maude Carver (Driggers), D.O.D. June 5, 1946 in Abilene, Taylor Co., Texas, residence of the deceased: 3800 Grape Abilene, TxR.B. Kirkpatrick M.D. place of burial Knox City, Tx June 6, 1946Informant: A. J. CarverUndertaker: Kiker-Warren.
   3. Marriage License of Andrew Carver and Mrs. Maud Riley (Driggers), dated Feb 19, 1905, filed March 24, 1905.
   4. Marriage License of J.D. Hillen and Miss Maggie Driggers, filed in Cameron, Milam County, Texas on Nov 11, 1898.
   5. Marriage License of George Henson and Miss Bessie Driggers, Marriage dated June 28, 1903 in Cameron, Milam Co., Texas.
   6. Marriage License of W.T. Caywood and Miss Lula Driggers, Milam County, Texas dated Dec 19, 1902 record Feb 13, 1903 Vol 9, Pg 304.
   7. Delayed Birth Certificate for George Franklin Carver, 1322567 March 7, 1946, witnessed by R. Hairston and George DavisMilam County, Texas.
   8. Texas Certificate of Death for True Driggers NO., 033472, D.O.D. Jan 6, 1924 Abilene, Taylor Co., Texas, Informant Cal Shaddix M.D. Abilene, Texasmale, white, single, 16 years old.
   9. Jesse Driggers was using the name Bob Sproles in 1987 and as a child, this was told by Cody Kilpatrick Carver the step sister of Jesse Driggers.There are two pictures of Jesse Driggers (Bob Sproles) and Cody Kilpatrick. The oldest pic list Jesse Driggers aka Bob Sproles living at 2626 S. Cornell -Lubbock, TX.116675: Sproles Robert H 19940608POTTER M.
   10. Texas Certificate of Death #116675.
   11. 1900 Milam County, Tx Census 79/26-73/89 July 6, 1900
Drigers, J S-Jan 1860
Maude-d-Mar 1881-19-TX
Walter-s-Jan 1883-17-TX
Maggie-d-May 1884-16-Tx
Bessie-d-Mar 1887-13-TX
Loula-d-Jan 1889-11-Tx
Burton-s-5-May 1891-9-TX
Riley, Easedore- GD-May 1899 2/12- TX
   12. Newspaper - THESE TIDBITS WERE TAKEN FROM THE OLD CALDWELL NEWSPAPERS THE MAY 20, 1897 License to wed: J. RILEY and Miss Maud Driggers.
   13. Letter written by James Madison Driggers: (LETTER TO SUSAN RHOADES FROM JAMES MADISON Driggers) Susan Rhoades is the sister to Sophia Malinda Armstrong Driggers
   Deer Aint i seet myself to let you no that wee air all well hoping when theas few lines comes to hand my find you all well and doing well Well aint i would like to see you all i was glad to her that frank and Will was coming out her in August and if i can make my raingments so i can i am coming back with them well aint i want you to rite and let me no what raingements i could make ut thair i havent got no team and i dont think i will bee abel to come ut and by me a team when i git thair i am working on the half this year rite and tell me what you think i can git corn for this fall crops is very good her wee air having a good deal of rain well ain mother said she receved yore letter and was glad to her that her that ou was well and was glad to her that Frank and Will was coming out her tell Frank that Will Fulfer and ed Driggers trile is set for August the 17 and i think they will come out all rite well aint mohter said for you to rite ever time you can and she would do th! ey same tell all of they boys to rite to me rite to (us) wher all of uncles Jacks CHILDREN is for i never her from them well aint you said you wanted to no wher gorge was he is living north of Bonham his post office is Bonham well aint i will tell you demariss left her they 22 day of this month and i dont no wher she is a going She left with her husban ed said they wea all well and he would like to see you all as i have nothin more to rite i will close rite soon from James Driggers to Susan Rhoades
   14. 1920 Milam Co., TX Census Feb 12, 1920
Hillin, Jeff 62 TX TX TX
Maggie w 37 TX TX TX
Bula d 19 TX TX TX
Ella d 19 TX TX TX
Ida d 16 TX TX TX
Ludie d 11 TX TX TX
May d 10 TX TX TX
Thelma d 8 TX TX TX
Alice d 7 TX TX TX
Woodrow s 6 TX TX TX
Frances d 3 10/12 April 1916
Maggie d 2 3/12 Dec 1919
   15. 1910 Texas Census
Driggers, Walter 27
Sally 21-wife- married 7years.-5 CHILDREN-3 living
Elbert Stewart-son
Ivy May-dau-
Burton 20-brother
   16. 1910 Census for Milam Co., Pg. 34 line 189. Luela Driggers was married once before George Carver. 1910 Milam Co., Tx Census
Carver, George 25
Lula 23
Harvey 3
Jane J. 11/12
Weiss Eliz widow sister 35 (George)
Nettie 9
Howard 5
Gilbert 3
Mandy B. 5/12
George and Lula were married for 5 years at time of this census, George had only been married once and Lula twice, they had three CHILDREN and two were living.
   17. Lula Driggins married W. T. Caywood on 21Dec1902 found in Vol. 9, Pg. 304 Mrs. Lula Caywood married George Carver on 08Jan1905 found in Vol.10, Pg.128 also have a George F. Carver, married to Mrs. Ada Luce document not executed then found a W. T. Caywood married to Ethel Lynch 01Oct1905 found in Vol. 10 Pg. 244.
   18. Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. Friday, June 10, 1994.
   Services for Robert H. Sproles, 80, of Lubbock will be at 4:30pm today in Resthaven Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Lynn Lemon, a retired Baptist minister, officiating. Burial will be in Resthaven Memorial Park. Sproles died Wednesday, June 8, 1994, in the Veterans Administration Hospital in Amarillo. He was born on Oct. 20, 1913, in Rosebud. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II and had been a resident of Lubbock since 1945. He was an employee of the City of Lubbock in its maintenance department and worked at Hub Homes and for Citibus. He retired in 1965. Survivors include his son, Ronald of Lubbock; a daughter, Janice Cagle of Lubbock; a sister, Joyce Carver of Cleveland; and four grand CHILDREN. (Jesse Driggers changed his name and birthdate) (On the death certificate he lists his birthdate as Oct. 20, 1913, but on the 1910 Milam Co., TX census he is 6 months old.)
   * Obituary from the newspaper kept in the Bible of Lillie Mae Willard Nicar. Geo. F. Carver dies in Austin-
   George F. Carver, 85, died at 3:10 p.m. in Austin hospital after an illness of several months and funeral services were held at 11a.m. Friday at the Phillips and Luckey Chapel in Rockdale with burial in the I00F Cemetery. The officiating minester was the Rev. Allison Joyce, pastor of the first Baptist Church. Mr.Carver was a resident of the Sand Grove Community in the Milam County and was born on March 29, 1881, in the Milam County. He worked in the coal mines for many years. He was a member of the Baptist Church of Gause. His wife, who proceeded him in death, was the former Miss Lula Driggers. Surviving are four sons, Harvey Carver of Rockdale, James, Leroy, and Earl Carver all of Houston, two daughters, Mrs. Johnnie Everett and Mrs. Stella Ramsey, both of Houston, two brothers, Andrew Carver of Abilene and Dan Carver of Gause.
   * Obituary from the Temple Daily Telegram-Temple, Texas-Oct. 28, 1966 G.F. Carver-Rockdale-
   George F. Carver, 85, of Rockdale, died Wednesday in Austin Hospital. Funeral will be 11a.m. Friday at Phillips and Luckey Funeral Home, the Rev. Allison Joyce officicating. Burial will be in the IOOF Cemetery. Surviving are four sons, Harvey Carver of Rockdale, James Carver, Leroy Carver, and Earl Carver, all of Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Johnny Everett and Mrs. Stella Ramsey, both of Houston; and two brothers, Andrew Carver of Abilene and Dan Carver fo Gause.
   * Rockdale Reporter, June 29, 1967 Will Caywood, 86, Buried Tuesday
   William T. (Will) Caywood, 86, died at 11:10 p.m. Sunday at a local hospital after a long illness. Funeral services were held at 4 p.m. Tuesday at the Phillips & Luckey Chapel with Rev. Buck Hillin and Rev. Brooks Johnston officiating. Burial was in the Harmony Cemetery. Mr. Caywood had spent most of his life in Rockdale. He was a member of the Church of Christ. He was born in Milam County on Aug. 3, 1880, to Mr. and Mrs. William Isaac Caywood, both deceased. A retired rancher he spent most of his life in the Talbott Ridge Community. He lived in Hereford for one period of about eight years. He and Miss Carrie Lynch were married in the Talbott Ridge Community in 1905. His wife and two infants preceded him in death. Surviving are two sons, Grover Caywood of Pagoosa Springs, Colorado, and Johnny R. Caywood of Canoga Park, Calif.; two daughters, Mrs. Francis Davenport of Houston and Mrs. Eunice Harkey of Rockdale; four brothers, Lee Caywood, Edgar Caywood and Louis Caywood of Rockdale and George Caywood of Beaumont; two sisters, Mrs. Susie Davis of Wichita Falls and Mrs. Lizzie Cotten of Milano. There are also eight grand CHILDREN and nine great grand CHILDREN. Pallbearers were F.P. Cotten, Marvin W. Cotten, Bennie Lee Pounders, Jerry Caywood, Hubert Caywood, and George Smith.
   * Houston Chronicle, May 20, 1954, pg F2 CARVER-
   Mrs. Lula Carver, 65 of 7315 Abilene, died at 8:30 am Thursday. Survivors; husband, G. F. Carver, Rockdale, four sons; James, Earl, LeRoy, all of Houston, Harvey F. Carver, Rockdale; three daughters, Mrs Josephine Edmunson, San Antonio; two sisters; Mrs Maggie Hillon, Rockdale, Mrs. Bessie Henson, Marquette, 15 grand CHILDREN. Arrangements to be announced. Earthman Funeral Homes (The two daughters not named were Mrs. Johnnie Everett and Stella Ramsey both of Houston.)
George Henderson "Bud" Henson (August 10, 1886-April 11, 1941)
   * The Rosebud News, Friday April 18, 1941 Funeral Held Last Friday for George Henson
   George Henson, age 54, passed away shortly after midnight on Friday, April 11, 1941. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Friday at Green's funeral chapel, with Rev. Norvel Barnes officiating. Interment followed in the Powers Chapel cemetery. Pallbearers were Emil Meier, Ed Meier, W.W. Rasco, Bob Lucas, Delmas Swanzy and Walter Wolff. Surviving is his wife; two sons, Grover Henson of Rosebud, Wilburn Henson of Leesville, Louisiana, and a daughter, Mrs. Ruby Childers of Madisonville, and five grand CHILDREN. Three brothers, Tom of San Angelo, Dee of Pelly, and Moody of Coleman, a sister, Mrs. May Terrell of Pritchett and another sister at Corpus Christi also survive him.
   * Madisonville Meteor, Madisonville, Madison County, Texas, Thursday, July 13, 1967 Jessie B. Mize Buried Sunday In George Cemetery
   Funeral services for Jessie B. Mize of North Zulch were held at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Sand Prairie Baptist Church in George Community. Mr. Mize was born February 20, 1883, and died July 8, 1967, at the age of 84. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Bessie Mize, North Zulch; sons, O. V. Mize, Meridian, Jim Lee Mize, Anson, and A. J. Mize, Houston; daughters, Mrs. Nora Lucke, Hawley, Mrs. Irene Fincher, Millsap, and Mrs. Tommie Todd, New Iberia, Louisiana. Other survivors include a brother, Sid Mize, Meridian; sisters, Mrs. Lillie Maness, Madisonville, and Mrs. Lizzie Drane, North Zulch; 12 grand CHILDREN and 14 great-grand CHILDREN. Pallbearers were W. A. J. Sevens, Alvin Martin, Bobby Brown, Alton Drake, W. C. Henson, Terry Kimmey, George Ayers, and Orlan Drake. The Rev. L. O. Manning of Normangee conducted the services with Riddle Funeral Home administering the burial. Interment was in the George Cemetery.
   * Madison Meteor, April 15, 1971 Mrs. Bessie Mize Dies in Tomball, Burial at George
   Funeral services were held April 8, 1971 for Mrs. Bessie Jane Mize, 84, of North Zulch. Mrs. Mize died in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ruby Childress of Tomball, on April 6. Mrs. Mize was born November 19, 1886, in Bonham, Texas. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ruby Childress of Tomball; nine grand CHILDREN, 16 great grand CHILDREN, and one great-great grandchild. Services were at the Sand Prairie Baptis Church in George with the Rev. J. L. Crocker of Madisonville officiating. Pallbearers were Jessee Childress, Kenneth Henson, Gerald Harmelt, Ernest Gustayus, Noah Cryar, and T. E. Crouth. Interment was under the direction of the Ferguson Funeral Home.
   * Rockdale Reporter, Thursday, October 16, 1969 Mrs. J. D. Hillin Dies Tuesday
   Mrs. J. D. Hillin, 88, died at 3:27 a.m. Tuesday in Richards Hospital here and funeral services were held at the Phillips & Luckey Chapel at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Burial was in the IOOF Cemetery with the Rev. Millard Brown officiating. Mrs. Hillin's death came after a long illness. A resident of Rockdale, she had lived in Milam County all her life, born Feb. 7, 1881, in Milam County to the late Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Driggers. She married J. D. Hillin at Rockdale on Nov. 13, 1898. Her husband died Dec. 19, 1946. Four sons and a daughter also proceeded her in death. Survivors include one son, Woodrow Hillin of Houston; six daughters, Mrs. Harvey Luckey of Rockdale, Mrs. Jack Schneebeli of Rockdale, Mrs. Clyde Lovelace of Rockdale, Mrs. E. V. Marshall of Rockdale, Mrs. A. C. Skinner of Houston, Mrs. A. C. Buetou of Houston, Mrs. Walter Weatherred of Dallas, Mrs. Edd Stock of Hempstead; and Mrs. E. L. Williams of Lyons; one sister; Mrs. Bessie Mize of North Zulch. There are also 24 grand CHILDREN and 37 great grand CHILDREN. Pallbearers were Billie Buetow, Larry Beutou, Ben Earl Williams, Elton Williams, Jr., Earl Schneebeli, Wayne Skinner, Walton Weatherred, Harold Edward Stanislaw.
   * Abilene Reporter- News 6 June 1946 Morning pg 5 Abilene Woman's Funeral Today
   Funeral for Mrs. A. J. Carver, 65, who died at her home here early Wednesday will be held at 10 a.m. today in Kiker-Warren chapel. Burial will be in the Knox City cemetery. Mrs. Carver had been ill four months, her condition becoming critical Tuesday night. She was born Aug, 23, 1880, at Bonham, and was married to Mr. Carver at Rockdale in 1905. She lived there intil 1924, when she and her husband moved to Henrietta and then to Abilene. Survivors are her Husband: one son, W. J. Carver of Abilene; and four daughters, Mrs. Cecil Connor of Benjamin, Mrs. Mabel Heath of Fresno, Calif., Mrs. Gladys Goodman (Tom Green Co.,TX) of San Angelo, and Mrs. Izzie Holliday of Rockdale.
   * The Abilene Reporter News, Abilene, Texas, Saturday, Morning, September 5, 1964 Carver Services Today in K-City
   KNOX CITY (RNS) - Funeral for Andrew Jackson Carver, 81, will be held in Knox City Baptist Church Saturday at 4 p.m. with burial in Knox City Cemetery directed by Smith Funeral Home. The service was changed from 10 a.m. Saturday. Officiating will be the Rev. K. E. Wooley of Benjamin. Mr. Carver died Friday afternoon in Knox County Hospital. He was visiting a daughter in Benjamin when he became ill. A former Knox County resident, the retired farmer moved to Big Spring in 1949. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Gladys Bryant of Ira (Scurry Co., TX) , Mrs. Mable Logsdon of Reno, Nev., Mrs. Zula Conner and Mrs.Issie Holiday of Rockdale; two brothers, Dan of Gause and George of Rockdale; and 16 grand CHILDREN. (Andrew was born and raised in Milam Co., TX, son of John William Carver and Josephine McDonald).

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