Texas Family Group Sheet for the James Jennings DOWNS Family #2

Husband: James Jennings DOWNS
Birthdate: 25 Jun 1810
Birthplace: NC
Death date: 13 May 1893
Place of death: Van Zandt, TX
Burial: Holly Springs, Martins Mills, Van Zandt, TX
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: 7 Feb 1839
Marriage place: Dallas, AL

Wife: Eliza Jane ROBERTS
Birthdate: abt 1812
Birthplace: GA
Death date:
Place of death:
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: Frances DOWNS
Sex: F
Birthdate: 6 Nov 1839
Birthplace: AL
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: unknown CRENSHAW

Child No. 2: Emily Rebecca DOWNS
Sex: F
Birthdate: 6 Nov 1839
Birthplace: AL
Death date: 7 Au 1927
Place of death: Dallas, Dallas, TX
Burial: Oak Cliff Cem., Dallas, Dallas, TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: John W. RAINEY

Child No. 3: Charles Mitchell DOWNS
Sex: M
Birthdate: 9 Oct 1842
Birthplace: AL
Death date: 23 Sep 1920
Place of death: Canton, Van Zandt, TX
Burial: Oakland Cem., Van Zandt, TX
Marriage date: 26 Dec 1867
Marriage place: Panola, TX
Spouse's name: Mary Elizabeth PERRITT

Child No. 4: Erastus Roberts DOWNS
Sex: M
Birthdate: 9 Oct 1842
Birthplace: AL
Death date: 18 Dec 1916
Place of death: Edgewood, Van Zandt, TX
Burial: Oak Hill Cem., Edgewood, Van Zandt, TX
Marriage date: 7 Nov 1866
Marriage place: Panola, TX
Spouse's name: Annie Marie Perritt

Child No. 5: James Ransom DOWNS
Sex: M
Birthdate: 18 Mar 1848
Birthplace: Hattiesburg, Forrest, MS
Death date: 16 Jun 1924
Place of death: Dallas, Dallas, TX
Burial: Oak Cliff Cem., Dallas, Dallas, TX
Marriage date: 2 Mar 1871
Marriage place: Panola, Van Zandt, TX
Spouse's name: Emily Elizabeth Jane ROBERTS
* 1920 Census Van Zandt, TX,
* 1910 Census Van Zandt, TX,
* 1900 Census Van Zandt, TX,
* 1880 Census Henderson, Rusk, TX,
* 1870 Evergreen, Panola, TX,
* 1860 Caddo, LA,
* 1850 Census Harrison, TX,
* Texas Death Certificates.

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