Texas Family Group Sheet for the Robert DIXON Family

Husband: Robert DIXON
Birthdate: 1849
Birthplace: Georgia
Death date: March 27, 1892
Place of death: Austin, Travis County, Texas
Burial: Austin Cemetery
Father: Unkonwn
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: March 31, 1867
Marriage place: Tory, Pike County, Alabama

Wife: Mary A. WALTERS
Birthdate: 1840
Death date: Feb. 11, 1917
Place of death: Trinity, Trinity County, Texas
Burial: Taylor Cemetery, Trinity County, Texas
Father: John H. WALTERS
Mother: Sarah Jane STEPHENS


Child No. 1: James William DIXON
Sex: M
Birthdate: Nov. 14, 1868
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date: Nov. 30, 1927
Place of death: Austin, Travis County, Texas
Burial: Oakwood Cemetery, Austin, Travis County, Texas
Marriage date: June 01, 1897
Marriage place: Austin, Travis County
Spouse's name: Clara Belle WALTZ

Child No. 2: Sarah Frances DIXON
Sex: F
Birthdate: Nov. 21, 1871
Death date: Dec. 31, 1959
Place of death: Taft, San Patrico County, Texas
Marriage date: Jan. 06, 1893
Marriage place: Austin, Travis County, Texas
Spouse's name: John Thomas PATTERSON

Child No. 3: Benjamin A. DIXON
Sex: M
Birthdate: May 29, 1874
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Lillie Mae DIXON
Sex: F
Birthdate: Aug. 27, 1877
Death date: July 04, 1893
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

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