Texas Family Group Sheet for the Sterling B Davis Family

Husband: Sterling B DAVIS
Birthdate: 15 Dec 1865
Birthplace: Missouri
Death date: 06 Jun 1915
Place of death: Silverton,Briscoe Co Tx
Burial: Silverton Cemetery

Marriage date: 03 Feb 1867
Marriage place: Grayson Co. Texas

Wife: Elmina KENNEDY
Birthdate: Dec 1847
Birthplace: Arkansas
Death date: 06 Jul 1940
Place of death: Silverton, Briscoe Co Tx
Burial: Silverton Cemetery
Father: James William Kennedy
Mother: Elizabeth Jackson


Child No. 1: Verna A.
Sex: F
Birthdate: Dec 1887
Birthplace: Texas
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: abt 1906
Marriage place: Briscoe County
Spouse's name: John A Monlague

Child No. 2: Durward Hulen
Sex: M
Birthdate: Nov 1890
Birthplace: Prestonbend,Grayson Co.Texas
Death date: 10 Nov 1965
Place of death: Silverton, Briscoe Co. Texas
Burial: Silverton Cemetery
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Stella

Child No. 3: Myrtle L
Sex: F
Birthdate: Dec 1893
Birthplace: Texas
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: James Marion
Sex: M
Birthdate: 21 Jan 1898
Birthplace: Preston Bend, Grayson Co. Texas
Death date: 25 May 1974
Place of death: Silverton, Briscoe Co. Texas
Burial: Silverton Cemetery
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Etha Q. ?

Child No. 5: Mary Elizabeth
Sex: F
Birthdate: Jan 1898
Birthplace: Texas
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* 1900 Briscoe Co page 26A (Sterling B Davis),
* 1910 Briscoe Co. page 280A (Sterling B Davis),
* 1920 Briscoe Co page 254 (see Elmina and Durward Davis),
* Silverton Cemetery Index "USGENWEB",
* 1917 Military draft registration cards on USGENWEB.

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