Texas Family Group Sheet for the Columbus Dalton Family

Husband: Columbus DALTON
Birthplace: Georgia U.S.A.
Death date: 1898-1900
Place of death: Texas U.S.A.
Father: Menton
Mother: Elizabeth

Marriage date: MARCH 30, 1881
Marriage place: Tyler, Smith County, Texas U.S.A.

Wife: Epsey Jane HARRISON
Birthplace: Texas U.S.A.
Death date: 1900-1910
Place of death: Texas, U.S.A.
Father: Wesley Harrison
Mother: Susan Carter


Child No. 1: James Menton
Sex: M
Birthdate: FEB. 23, 1887
Birthplace: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Death date: JULY 27, 1966
Place of death: Athens, Henderson County, Texas
Burial: Leagueville, Texas
Marriage date: 1911
Marriage place: Henderson County, Texas
Spouse's name: Carrie Lee Brown

Child No. 2: Eddie
Sex: F
Birthdate: APRIL-1889
Birthplace: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Death date: 1969
Place of death: Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: John Cotten

Child No. 3: Preston G
Sex: M
Birthdate: MAY-1891
Birthplace: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Raymond Henry
Sex: M
Birthdate: JAN. 2, 1893
Birthplace: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Death date: OCT.20, 1966
Place of death: Smith County, Texas
Marriage date: 1912
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Lyta Pearl Parmer

Child No. 5: Ethel
Sex: F
Birthdate: DEC.-1895
Birthplace: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 6: Christopher Columbus
Sex: M
Birthdate: MARCH 16, 1898
Birthplace: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Death date: AUG. 8, 1943
Place of death: Texas
Burial: Hillcrest Cem. McLean,TX
Marriage date: 1917
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Betty Smotherman
* TXGenweb Project.
* Ancestry.com.

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