Texas Family Group Sheet for the Thomas CRANFILL Family

Husband: Thomas CRANFILL
Birthdate: 1821
Birthplace: North Carolina
Death date: 1889
Place of death:
Burial: Old Crow Cemetery, Upshur Co., TX
Father: Jonathan CRANFILL

Marriage date:
Marriage place:

Wife: Susan CANTOR
Birthdate: Bef. 1880
Birthplace: Rowen Co., North Carolina
Death date:
Place of death:
Burial: Old Crow Cemetery, Upshur Co., TX


Child No. 1: Francis Ann CRANFILL
Sex: F
Birthdate: 16 Dec 1853
Birthplace: Calloway, Upshur Co., TX
Death date: 27 Aug 1923
Place of death: Big Wells, Dimmit Co., TX
Burial: Big Wells, Dimmit Co., TX
Marriage date: Bef. 1870
Marriage place: Prob. Upshur Co., TX
Spouse's name: John David FITZGERRALD

Child No. 2: Albert Green CRANFILL
Sex: M
Birthdate: Bet. 1855-1856
Birthplace: Upshur Co., TX
Death date: Feb 1923
Place of death: Grady, OK
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Luther CRANFILL
Sex: M
Birthdate: 28 Oct 1858
Birthplace: Upshur Co., TX
Death date:
Place of death:
Burial: Loco, OK
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Elissa A. CRANFILL
Sex: F
Birthdate: 28 Jun 1863
Birthplace: TX
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: 08 Feb 1883
Marriage place: Upshur Co., TX
Spouse's name: Walter Colquit HOLEMAN

Child No. 5: Flora Eugenia CRANFILL
Sex: F
Birthdate: Abt. 1866
Birthplace: Prob. TX
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: 30 Dec 1886
Marriage place: Gilmer, Upshur Co., TX
Spouse's name:

Child No. 6: Thomas Edwin CRANFILL
Sex: M
Birthdate: 20 Sept 1869
Birthplace: Upshur Co., TX
Death date:
Place of death:
Burial: Old Crow Cemetery, Upshur Co., TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 7: Ira CRANFILL
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1870
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 8: June Helen CRANFILL
Sex: F
Birthdate: 14 Jun 1873
Death date: 09 Nov 1874
Place of death:
Burial: Old Crow Cemtery, Upshur Co., TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* 1860 Texas census record;
* Tombstones;
* Birth and death certificates;
* Interviews with descendants;
* Online family histories.

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