Texas Family Group Sheet for the Benjamin Franklin Chastain Family

Husband: Benjamin Franklin CHASTAIN
Birthdate: 29 June 1878
Birthplace: Nashville, Davidson, TN
Death date: 1 June 1954
Place of death: Baytown, Harris, TX
Burial: Pollok Cem.
Father: Abraham Maxwell CHASTAIN
Mother: Susan MEALER

Marriage date: 21 Dec. 1902
Marriage place: Angelina Co., TX

Wife: Elizabeth Arminda FLOWERS
Birthdate: 14 Feb. 1886
Birthplace: Pollok, Angelina, TX
Death date: 12 Feb. 1968
Place of death: Baytown, Harris, TX
Burial: Pollok Cem.
Father: Major Green FLOWERS
Mother: Elizabeth B. FREE


Child No. 1: Grace Mae CHASTAIN
Sex: F
Birthdate: 5 Mar. 1907
Birthplace: Texas
Death date: 26 Jul. 1926
Place of death: Harris Co., TX
Burial: Pollok Cem.
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Charles Curtis DUCE

Child No. 2: Benjamin Maxwell CHASTAIN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 27 June 1911
Birthplace: Texas
Death date: 28 Aug. 1913
Place of death: Pollok, Angelina, TX
Burial: Pollok Cem.

Child No. 3: Edith Hazel CHASTAIN
Sex: F
Birthdate: 7 Feb. 1914
Birthplace: Pollok, Angelina, TX
Death date: 10 Nov. 1992
Place of death: Highlands, Harris, TX
Burial: Earthman Memory Gardens, Baytown, TX
Marriage date: 7 Apr. 1929
Marriage place: Pelly (now Baytown), Harris, TX
Spouse's name: Arnimus Perkings WILSON

Child No. 4: Earnest Jackson CHASTAIN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 12 Dec. 1917
Birthplace: Pelly (now Baytown), Harris, TX
Death date: 13 Dec. 1981
Place of death: Livingston, Polk, TX
Marriage date: 13 Aug. 1938
Marriage place: Wells, Cherokee, TX
Spouse's name: LIVING
* 1900 Murray Co., GA; Militia Dist. 1039; Shuck Pen; E.D. 72; page 88A; HH 144/145:
Webster R. Coffey, b. Mar. 1820 age 80, m. 54 yrs., b. NC, parents b. NC, farmer
Lansaney, wife, b. Apr. 1820 age 80, 6 of 10 children living, b. SC, parents b. SC
Georgia M. Latch, dau., b. Mar. 1858 age 42, widow, 1 of 1 children living, b. GA
Lilly, granddaughter, b. May 1882 age 18, b. GA, parents b. GA
Fannie Norton, servant, black, b. Mar. 1860 age 40, widow, no children, b. GA, parents b. TN
Benjamin Chastain, servant, b. May 1878 age 22, b. TN, parents b. TN, farm laborer
* 1910 Cherokee Co., TX; J.P. 2; Alto; E.D. 13; page 91A; HH 399/412:
Ben Chastain, age 31, married 7 yrs., b. TN, parents b. GA, laborer at lumber mill
Elizabeth, wife, age 24, 1 of 1 children living, b. TN, father b. AL, mother b. GA
Gracie, dau., age 3, b TX
Mary Lakey, servant, age 54, widow, 1 of 1 children living, b. TN, father b. MS, mother b. KY, cook
* 1920 Harris Co., TX; J.P. 3; new town not incorporated; E.D. 112; page 269B; HH 320/350:
Ben Chastain, age 41, b. TN, father b. GA, mother b. US, restaurant manager
Elizabeth, wife, age 33, b. TX, father b. AL, mother b. US
Grace, dau., age 12, b. TX
Hazel, dau., age 5, b. TX
Ernest, son, age 2 1/2, b. TX
* 1930 Harris Co., TX; J.P. 3; Pelly; E.D. 174; p. 83A; HH 202/204:
Benjamin F. Chastain, age 52, m. at age 22, b. TN, parents b. GA, cook in restaurant
Elizabeth, wife, age 44, m. at age 16, b. TX, father b. AL, mother b. TX, waitress in restaurant
Earnest J., son, age 12, b. TX

* Ben and Elizabeth owned and operated a restaurant and he also had rental properties. Ben's drivers licence he had before he died describes him as being 5' 9", 180 pounds, grey hair and grey eyes. Ben died of coronary occlusion and Elizabeth died of septicemia.
* Obituary for Grace Mae Chastain Duce:
Mrs. Grace Duce of Port Houston died at 10:15 p.m. Sunday at a local hospital. Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Fogle-West Undertaking company. She is survived by her husband C. C. Duce of Port Houston; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Chastain, a brother, Jack Chastain, and a sister Miss Hazel Chastain, all of Houston.
* Gracy died of septicemia/6 mo. inutero death.
* Benjamin Maxwell died of cholera.
* E. J. served in WWII in the US Navy as a diesel mechanic. He completed his naval training at the Navy Pier in Chicago, IL on 31 July 1942. SS# 464-10-3520. At age 45 E. J. is described as being 5' 9", 210 pounds, brown hair and blue eyes. He retired from Exxon oil company.

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