Texas Family Group Sheet for the Benjamin Franklin Chappelear Family

Husband: Benjamin Franklin CHAPPELEAR
Birthdate: March 31, 1844
Birthplace: Forsythe County, Georgia
Death date: September 30, 1909
Place of death: Bloomberg, TX
Burial: Salem, Bloomberg, Tx
Father: Thomas J. Chappelear
Mother: Frances Cobb
Other Spouses:

Marriage date: January 1, 1868
Marriage place: Fulton Co., Georgia

Wife: Celia Ann Jarusa MATTOX
Birthdate: June, 1844
Birthplace: Jackson Co., Georgia
Death date: 1914
Place of death: Bloomburg, TX
Burial: Salem, Bloomberg, TX
Other Spouses:


Child No. 1: Margaret Emaline Louisiana Chappelear
Birthdate: Oct. 31, 1871
Birthplace: Louisiana
Death date: July 1, 1900
Place of death: Alvord, TX
Burial: Alvord, TX
Marriage date: Jan. 22, 1888
Marriage place: Cass County, TX
Spouses' names: Robert Edward Ragsdale

Child No. 2: Joannah Loutisia Chappelear
Birthdate: April 2, 1869
Birthplace: Georgia
Death date: June 3, 1933f
Place of death: DeQueen, Arkansas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names: Andrew Jackson

Child No. 3: Ardella Princella Chappelear
Birthdate: Aug. 2, 1873
Birthplace: Cass County, TX
Death date: May 2, 1940
Place of death: Ida, Louisiana
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names: Alonza French

Child No. 4: Effie Lee Tennessee Chappelear
Birthdate: Dec. 28, 1875
Birthplace: Cass Co., TX
Death date: Dec. 6, 1949
Place of death: Myrtia, La.
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names: Troy H. Festervan

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