Texas Family Group Sheet for the Congalton Celeste Chambers Family

Husband: Congalton Celeste CHAMBERS
Birthdate: 31 Jan 1887
Birthplace: Hillsboro, Hill, Texas
Death date: 23 May 1960
Place of death: Modesto, Stanislaus, California
Burial: Ceres Cemetery Modesto, Stanislaus, California
Father: Sam
Mother: Serena Ward

Marriage date: 9 June 1909
Marriage place: Hillsboro, Hill, Texas

Wife: Johnnie Belle WATSON
Birthdate: 1 July 1888
Birthplace: Augusta, Woodruff, Arkansas
Death date: 19 July 1969
Place of death: Stockton, San Joaquin, California
Burial: Ceres Cemetery, Modesto, Stanislaus, California
Father: Madison Frank Watson
Mother: Brenthe E Thompson


Child No. 1: George
Sex: m
Birthdate: 25 Aug 1910
Birthplace: Hillsboro, Hill, Texas
Death date: 11 Aug 1976
Place of death: Cody, Park, Wyoming
Marriage date: 19 Sept 19134
Marriage place: Cody, Park, Wyoming
Spouse's name: Helen Wyllie

Child No. 2: Dudley Daniel
Sex: m
Birthdate: 9 Jun 1912
Birthplace: Whitney, Hill, Texas
Death date: 10 Nov 1985
Place of death: Stockton, San Joaquin, California
Burial: Stockton, San Joaquin, California
Marriage date: 27 Aug 1932
Marriage place: Tyler, Delta, Texas
Spouse's name: Mattie Lee Dunlap

Child No. 3: Serena Mae
Sex: F
Birthdate: 4 Jun 1915
Birthplace: Henderson Co, Texas
Death date: 6 May 1960
Place of death: Big Spring, Howard, Texas
Burial: Big Spring, Howard, Texas
Marriage date: 13 Dec 1934
Marriage place: Big Spring, Howard, Texas
Spouse's name: Hubert Smith

Child No. 4: Raymond Hall
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1 Jan 1918
Birthplace: Whitney, Hill, Texas
Death date: 15 Nov 1982
Place of death: French Camp, San Joaquin, California
Burial: French Camp, San Joaquin, California
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Melba Wolfenbarger

Child No. 5: James Horace
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1923
Birthplace: Whitney, Hill, Texas
Death date: 1982
Place of death: Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* Death and Marriage certificages.
* Census records,
* Family letters,
* Personal knowledge.

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