Texas Family Group Sheet for the Marvin Roscoe Butt BRAMBLETT Family #1

Husband: Marvin Roscoe Butt BRAMBLETT
Birthdate: 8 June 1879
Birthplace: Rabun Co., Stone Pile, GA.
Death date: 27 Oct 1962
Place of death: Donley Co., Clarendon, TX.
Burial: Donley CO., Hedley, TX. Rowe Cemetery
Father: James Edward BRAMBLETT
Mother: Rebecca Isabell WHORLEY

Marriage date: 5 Apr 1902
Marriage place: Lamar Co., Paris, Texas

Wife: Andrew Nora GREEN
Birthdate: 1877
Birthplace: Tennessee
Death date: 09 Nov 1918
Place of death: Donley Co., Giles, TX.
Burial: Donley CO., Hedley, TX. Rowe Cemetery
Father: Aquilla Churchwell GREEN
Mother: Mary Elizabeth HANNAH


Child No. 1: Edward Churchwell
Sex: m
Birthdate: 08 Sept 1901
Birthplace: Johnson, Alvarado TX. USA
Death date: 1980
Place of death: Johnson, Alvarado TX
Burial: Donley, Clarendon, Tx.
Marriage date: 21 Dec. 1938
Marriage place: Harmon, Hollis OK.
Spouse's name: Josie Clara JOHNSTON Holman

Child No. 2: Dinksie “Dink” Elverta
Sex: f
Birthdate: 29 June 1909
Birthplace: Donley, Giles TX
Death date: 01 Jul 1994
Place of death: Donley, Clarendon TX
Burial: Citizens Cemetery, Donley Co. Clarendon Tx.
Marriage date: 27 Jan 1928
Marriage place: Donley Co. Clarendon, Tx.
Spouse's name: Robert Lee HOLMAN

Child No. 3: Ruby Ann
Sex: f
Birthdate: 3 Oct 1913
Birthplace: Donley, Giles, Tx.
Death date: 1970
Place of death: Potter Co. Amarillo, Tx
Burial: Amarillo, Tx
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Ruth Rachel
Sex: f
Birthdate: 3 Oct 1913
Birthplace: Donley, Giles, Tx.
Death date: deceased
Place of death: Ca.
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

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