Texas Family Group Sheet for the William Warner BARGER Family

Husband: William Warner BARGER
Birthdate: 4-2-1888
Birthplace: Salem, Lafayette Co. MO
Death date: 12-19-1972
Place of death: Charlie, Clay Co. TX
Burial: Charlie Cemetery
Father: William Davis Barger
Mother: Mary Victoria Ray
Marriage date: 11-27-1910
Marriage place: Charlie, Clay Co. TX

Wife: Elizabeth Clark PEPPER
Birthdate: 8-17-1891
Birthplace: Blackjack, Rusk Co. TX
Death date: 2-16-1976
Place of death: Wichita Falls, Wichita Co. TX
Burial: Charlie Cemetery
Father: Arthur Clark Pepper
Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Findley


Child No. 1: Bernice Elynor Barger
Sex: f
Birthdate: 10-15-1911
Birthplace: Charlie, Clay Co. TX
Death date: 1-17-2003
Place of death: Wichita Falls, Wichita Co. TX
Burial: Charlie Cemetery
Marriage date: 10-28-1933
Marriage place: Charlie, Clay Co. TX
Spouse's name: James Cecil Burnham

Child No. 2: Wanda Marie Barger
Sex: f
Birthdate: 7-4-1919
Birthplace: Charlie, Clay Co. TX
Death date: 2-1-1995
Place of death: Wichita Falls, Wichita Co. TX
Burial: Charlie Cemetery
Marriage date: 10-12-1942
Marriage place: Charlie, Clay Co. TX
Spouse's name: Edward J. Montz
* Charlie Cemetery,
* Info from relatives,
* Clay Co. TX Census,
* Texas birth, Marriage, and Death records.

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