Texas Family Group Sheet for the Matthew Tolbert BARBER Family

Husband: Matthew Tolbert BARBER
Birthdate: abt 1829
Birthplace: Butts Co., GA
Death date: 1890
Place of death: Hickory Hill, Titus, TX
Father: Josiah Woods BARBER
Mother: Martha PATRICK

Marriage date: 25 Apr 1849
Marriage place: Butts Co., GA

Wife: Elizabeth Jane SHEPHERD
Birthdate: 1829
Birthplace: 1829 Butts Co., GA
Death date: 1898
Place of death: Hickory Hill, Titus, TX
Father: Richard SHEPHERD
Mother: Judith Johns MANN


Child No. 1: Mary Jane
Sex: F
Birthdate: Mar1852
Birthplace: Butts Co., GA
Death date: 1940
Place of death: Cass Co., TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Cass Co., TX
Spouse's name: Richard A. LAW

Child No. 2: Judith Alberta
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1855
Birthplace: Butts Co., GA
Death date: after 1890
Place of death: TX
Marriage date: 19 Oct 1873
Marriage place: Cass Co., TX
Spouse's name: Jonathan Singletary

Child No. 3: Robert Roebuck
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1859
Birthplace: Butts Co., GA
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: George Washington
Sex: M
Birthdate: 24 May 1860
Birthplace: Cass Co., TX
Death date: 21 Jun 1926
Place of death: Titus Co., TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place: TX
Spouse's name: Anna E.

Child No. 5: Thomas Jefferson
Birthdate: Mar 1864
Birthplace: Cass Co., TX
Death date: 1940
Place of death: Hickory Hill, Titus, TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place: TX
Spouse's name: Alice

Child No. 6: Ghitta Joan
Sex: F
Birthdate: Mar 1866
Birthplace: Cass Co., TX
Death date:
Place of death: TX
Marriage date: 1886
Marriage place: Titus Co., TX
Spouse's name: Frank B. DUCKETT
* Matt and Jane Barber are buried in Hickory Hill Cem., Titus Co., TX. He served Pvt Co. B Ochiltrees Regt Tex Inf on Oct 10th 1862 He was detailed to cook for the sick at the hospital in Desarc, AR ON Nov 22 1862 he was sick at Camp Nelson. (muster rolls)
* 1870 Davis Co. census.

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