Oregon Family Group Sheet for the Alvin Montgomery Collins Family

Husband: Alvin Montgomery COLLINS
Birthdate: 8 Aug 1832
Birthplace: Crawford co PA
Death date: 1917
Place of death: Hillsboro, Washington co OR
Father: Henry Bennett COLLINS
Mother: Eliza Lorraine MONTGOMERY

Marriage date: 1852
Marriage place: Farmington, Jefferson co WI

Wife: Lydia Jane CRANDALL
aka: A. Crandall
Birthdate: 1834
Birthplace: Medina co OH
Death date: 1912
Place of death: Hillsboro, Washington co OR
Father: Joseph CRANDALL
Mother: Mary CLARKE


Child No. 1: Evalett E. COLLINS
Sex: f
Birthdate: 17 FEB 1861
Birthplace: Mankato, Blue Earth co MN
Death date: 1943
Place of death: Raymond, Pacific co WA
Marriage date: 1889
Marriage place: Portland, Multnomah co OR
Spouse's name: Edward WILLIAMS

Child No. 2: Frances E. COLLINS
Sex: f
Birthdate: 1863
Birthplace: WI
Death date: 1918
Place of death: Hillsboro, Washington co OR
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Hillsboro, Washington co OR
Spouse's name: John Rassmussen

Child No. 3: Flora Edna COLLINS
Sex: f
Birthdate: 1863
Birthplace: WI
Death date: 194?
Place of death: Yakima, Yakima co WA
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Hillsboro, Washington co OR
Spouse's name: John Carter Magruder

*Mrg rec Jefferson Co WI Collins/Crandall,
*Death cert A. M. Collins,
*Grave stones.
*May email me.

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