Ohio Family Group Sheet for the Thomas TODD Jr. Family
Husband: Thomas TODD
Birthdate: abt 1775
Birthplace: Frederick Co., MD
Death date: Bef 1837
Place of death: Seneca Co., Ohio
Burial: unknown
Father: Thomas TODD Sr.
Mother: unknown
Marriage date: October 10, 1795
Marriage place: Baltimore Co., Maryland
Wife: Mary BROWN
Birthdate: abt 1775
Birthplace: Frederick Co., MD
Death date: Bef March 1842
Place of death: Seneca Co., Ohio
Burial: unknown
Father: Henry BROWN
Mother: Rignah unknown
Child No. 1: Henry TODD
Sex: M
Birthdate: abt 1800
Birthplace: Frederick Co., Maryland
Death date: after 1870
Place of death: Seneca Co., Ohio
Burial: unknown
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Child No. 2: Joseph TODD
Sex: Mt
Birthdate: abt 1801
Birthplace: Frederick Co., Maryland
Death date: aft 1860
Place of death: Mason Co., Illinois
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Nancy unknown
Child No. 3: Sarah TODD
Sex: F
Birthdate: ABT 1804
Birthplace: Frederick Co., Maryland
Death date: unknown
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Child No. 4: Lancelott TODD
Sex: M
Birthdate: January 7, 1806
Birthplace: Frederick Co., Maryland
Death date: after 1870
Place of death: Seneca Co., Ohio
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: September 6, 1834
Marriage place: Seneca Co., Ohio
Spouse's name: Mary MILLER
* Thomas Todd Jr was Ecec. of his father-in-law's will, JS8-250 in Frederick Co., Md. Mortgage recorded May 21,
1798 in Frederick Co., Md, W. R. 16, folio 556-558 when he sold part of "Resurvey on Brothers Agreement" to his brother
in law Henry O'Hara Jr. Thomas Todd Jr. marriage date from the Deilman File #449, Carroll Co., Historical Society,
Westminster, MD.
Copyright © Bill Shaffer. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: Bill Shaffer
Email address: m.m.shaffer@att.net