Ohio Family Group Sheet for the simon HARNER Family
Copyright © Robert Unningham. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: Robert Unningham
Email address: chamrobert@yahoo.com
Husband: simon HARNER
Birthdate: 29 july 1810
Birthplace: greene county,ohio
Death date: 26 october 1896
Place of death: greene county,ohio
Father: johannes [john] HARNER
Mother: sarah KOOGLER
Marriage date: 29 march 1838
Marriage place: greene county,ohio
Wife: sarah WOLFF
Birthdate: 9 november 1819
Birthplace: greene county,ohio
Death date: 7 july 1892
Place of death: greene county,ohio
Father: jacob abraham WOLFF
Mother: elizabeth KERSHNER
Child No. 1: william HARNER
Sex: m
Birthdate: 12 june 1839
Birthplace: byron,greene county,ohio
Death date: 24 octobe 1908
Place of death: xenia,greene county,ohio
Marriage date: 25 march 1868
Marriage place: greene county,ohio
Spouse's name: mary COLLINS
Child No. 2: christina HARNER
Sex: f
Birthdate: 6 may 1841
Birthplace: greene county,ohio
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Child No. 3: rebecca HARNER
Sex: f
Birthdate: 11 september 1843
Birthplace: greene county,ohio
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: 23 april 1871
Marriage place: greene county,ohio
Spouse's name: henry DAWSON
Child No. 4: mathias HARNER
Sex: m
Birthdate: 5 september 1845
Birthplace: greene county,ohio
Death date: 4 june 1918
Place of death: osborn,greene county,ohio
Marriage date: 20 december 1868
Marriage place: greene county,ohio
Spouse's name: hennrietta GROSS
Child No. 5: amos HARNER
Sex: m
Birthdate: 13 march 1848
Birthplace: greene county,ohio
Death date: 4 march 1933
Place of death: greene county,ohio
Marriage date: 1 september 1870
Marriage place: stark county,ohio
Spouse's name: sarah elizabeth REINOEHL
Child No. 6: marsellus HARNER
Sex: m
Birthdate: 14 july 1850
Birthplace: greene county,ohio
Death date: 9 july 1938
Place of death: greene county,ohio
Marriage date: 21 september 1871
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: catherine ROSEHART
Child No. 7: lenora elizabeth HARNER
Sex: f
Birthdate: 25 septer 1852
Birthplace: greene county,ohio
Death date: 26 october 1937
Place of death: greene county,MISSOURI
Marriage date: 9 september 1886
Marriage place: greene county,ohio
Spouse's name: lemuel RUNYON
Child No. 8: ?? HARNER
Sex: m
Birthdate: 14 july 1855
Birthplace: greene county,ohio
Death date: 14 july 1855
Place of death: greene county,ohio
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Child No. 9: cassius HARNER
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1 june 1857
Birthplace: greene county,ohio
Death date: 31 july 1949
Place of death: greene county,ohio
Marriage date: 15 november 1882
Marriage place: greene county,ohio
Spouse's name: emma TROLLINGER
Child No. 10: lincoln bimbadella HARNER
Sex: m
Birthdate: 21 may 1860
Birthplace: greene county,ohio
Death date: 27 december 1930
Place of death: greene county,ohio
Marriage date: 19 november 1885
Marriage place: greene county,ohio
Spouse's name: jessie CARLISLE