Ohio Family Group Sheet for the the Jacob CROUSE/KROUSE Family

Copyright © Charlotte Pleis. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: Charlotte Pleis
Email address: Jerrycharhartley@msn.com

Husband: Jacob CROUSE (Krouse)
Birthdate: 1803-1806
Birthplace: Bavaria, Rhineland Pfaltz Germany
Death date: after 1880
Place of death: Jefferson Township, Scioto County, Ohio

Marriage date: April 12, 1842
Marriage place: Pike County Ohio, by Cortezt

Wife: Catherine Crouse
Birthdate: 1815-1820
Birthplace: Baden or Prussia
Death date: after 1880
Place of death: Jefferson Township, Scioto County, Ohio


Child No. 1: Louiza
Sex: F
Birthdate: March 11, 1843
Birthplace: Pike County Ohio
Death date: 1901
Place of death: Thayer County, Chester, Nebraska
Burial: Chester Cemetery
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Never married

Child No. 2: Christine Crouse
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1845
Birthplace: Pike County, Ohio
Death date: 1879/1880
Place of death: Jefferson Township, Scioto County, Ohio
Burial: Flatwood, or Stony Hill
Marriage date: Oct. 1, 1870
Marriage place: Jefferson Township, Scioto County, Ohio
Spouse's name: Leonard Swavel

Child No. 3: John Crouse
Sex: M
Birthdate: Dec. 15, 1849
Birthplace: Pike or Scioto County, Ohio
Death date: Febr. 22, 1911
Place of death: Thayer County, Chester, Nebraska
Burial: Chester Cemetery
Marriage date: February 17, 1881
Marriage place: Lincoln, Illinois
Spouse's name: Catherine Rohrer

Child No. 4: Samantha Crouse
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1853
Birthplace: Jefferson Township, Scioto Ohio
Death date:
Place of death: Either Scioto or Gahanna, Ohio
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: ______Carlisle

1. Marriage Certificate for Jacob and Catherine Minch (Minich).
2. Declaration of Intent for Jacob Crouse in which he renounces all loyalty to King Ludwig, King of Bavaria in October, 1841.
3. Land purchased from Sabra Spriggs in Pike County, the 15th day of February 1843. He was living in Pike County.
4. Census for Scioto County for 1850 in which whole family listed, 1860, 1870, and 1880. They are not listed in 1890 census.
5. Letter from Christina Crouse to her Granddaughter about her father's family and their marriages and children.
6. Land purchased by Jacob in Scioto County in Sept. 26, 1868. He bought it from John and Eva Miller.
7. Death Certificate from Thayer County for John Crouse.
8. Information about Christine Swavel's death taken from Rootsweb and Scioto Cemeteries in which there is a picture of Mrs. C. Swavel's grave stone.
9. Letter from Ruth C. Schneider of Gahanna, Ohio.