Ohio Family Group Sheet for the Stillman P. BROWN Family

Copyright © Rebecca Prescott-Spalding. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: Rebecca Prescott-Spalding
Email address: RebeccaCA2@aol.com

Husband: Stillman P. BROWN
Birthdate: January 1837
Birth Place: Vermont
Death date:
Death Place: Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., MI
Burial Place:

Marriage date: 31 August 1859
Marriage place: Ross County, Ohio

Wife: Sarah J. McFARLAND
Birthdate: January 1841
Birth Place: Chillicothe, Ross Co., OH
Death date:
Death Place: Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., MI
Burial Place:
Father: Jacob McFarland
Mother: Julia Ann Gilleland


Child No. 1: Maggie "May" Brown
Sex: F
Birthdate: abt. 1863
Birth Place: IL
Death date:
Death Place:
Burial Place:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Cora Brown
Sex: F
Birthdate: Abt. 1865
Birth Place: WI
Death date:
Death Place:
Burial Place:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Gilbert Brown
Sex: M
Birthdate: abt. 1873
Birth Place: Iowa
Death date:
Death Place:
Burial Place:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

* 1880 Federal Census, Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, pg 88B;
* Ross County, Ohio, Marriage Register, Vol. 3 July 1852 to September 1860, pg 415.