Ohio Family Group Sheet for the Eli ANDREWS Family

Copyright © David William RUMERY. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: David William RUMERY
Email address: dwrumery@aol.com

Husband: Eli ANDREWS
Birthdate: abt 1790
Birthplace: ,,Connecticut
Death date: bef 1840
Place of death:

Marriage date: 18 jAN 1816
Marriage place: Lebanon Twp, Ashtabula, Ohio

Wife: Elizabeth PECK
Birthdate: 27 Mar 1796
Birthplace: Lyme Twp, New London, Connecticut
Death date: aft 1880
Place of death: ,,Michigan
Burial: ,,Michigan
Father: Samuel Griffon PECK
Mother: Zipporah DEWOLF


Child No. 1: Asel ANDREWS
Sex: m
Birthdate: 3 Dec 1815
Birthplace: ,,Ohio
Death date: 31 Jan 1891
Place of death: Cheshire Twp, Allegan, Michigan
Burial: Martin Twp, Allegan, Michigan
Marriage date: abt 1843 & abt 1853
Marriage place: ,,Ohio
Spouse's name: Lura COLLINS & Ann DYLE

Child No. 2: Austin ANDREWS
Sex: m
Birthdate: abt 1829
Birthplace: ,,Ohio
Death date: 3 May 1888
Place of death: , Manistee, Michigan
Burial: Wayland Twp, Allegan, Michigan
Marriage date: 7 Oct 1856
Marriage place: Bloomingdale Twp, Van Buren, Michigan
Spouse's name: Mary GOODELL
  BIRTH: 1 MARRIAGE: 2 DEATH: 3 & 1840 census BURIAL:
  1: 1800 US census
  2: ASHTABULA COUNTY VR.marriage.A.31.104
  3: Betsey Peck Andrews second marriage.ASHTABULA COUNTY VR.marriage.B.159.2
  4: entered 1996.Williams, William W..HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO.Williams, William W.; Theodore F. & Louis A. Publishers,1880.Press of J.B. Lippincott.1878.225,231,236.Allen County Library
  5: entered 1996.Baldwin, Henry.THE HENRY BALDWIN COLLECTION.an index.40.265 & 284.Ohio Genealogical Society Library,Mansfield Ohio
  6: entered 1993.ALLEGAN COUNTY VR.son Asel Andrews death record.2.138.97
  7: entered 1995.Howells, J.A..A CONDENSED HISTORY OF NEW LYME, ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO.J.A. Howells & Company, Jefferson, Ohio.30,31.Ashtabula County Genealogical Society.Geneva Ohio Public Library
  * 4.p.231.The next settlers in Orwell Township (called Richfield until 1826) were, William Waters of New York... & Eli Andrews from Hartford Township, Trumbull county in the spring of 1818. They purchased land in the Northeast portion of the Township, but remained only three or four years. p236,Cherry Valley Township, Ashtabula county. The first settlers who settled on the Hayes road, in the South section, were Benoni, William and Eli Andrews
  * 5 ANDREWS, Eli & wife c(ame) 1818 Trumbull (to) Orwell Township Ashtabula Co,OH
  * 6 names deceased's parents as Eli & Betsey Andrews
  * 7 pp 30,31.tells story of Asel and his Peck in-laws on a bear hunt in New Lyme
  * 1800 US CENSUS.New Haven.Connecticut.William Andrews 26-45yr old, 3 boys the correct age for William, Benoni & Eli???
  * 1820 US CENSUS.Ashtabula.Ohio.Andrews: E. h of hh.Males: 1-under 10yr (Asel);one 26-45(Eli);females under 10yr two;26-45 one (Betsey)
  * 1830 US CENSUS.Cherry Valley.Ashtabula.Ohio.Andrews: E. h of hh.males; under 5yr, two (Austin);5-10yr,one (Asel);10-15yr one;30-40yr, one (Eli);females 5-10yr, one;30- 40yr, one (Betsy)
  * 1840 US CENSUS.Colebrook.Ashtabula.Ohio.Andrews: Betsey h of hh.males 5-10yr, one;10-15yr, two (Austin);20- 30yr, one (Asel);female- one 40-50 (Betsey) [Eli dead?]

  Elizabeth 'Betsy' PECK:
  BIRTH: 9 MARRIAGE: 2 MARRIAGE: 3 DEATH: 7.8 BURIAL: son Austin & his wife are buried at Germond Cemetery?
  1: entered 1995.Geraldine Peck Jerome.1322 Bratton Road.Jefferson, Ohio 44047
  2: ASHTABULA COUNTY VR.marriage.A.31.104
  3: ASHTABULA COUNTY VR.marriage.B.159.2
  4: entered 1996.Williams, William W..HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY,OHIO.Williams, William W.; Theodore F. & Louis A. Publishers,1880.Press of J.B. Lippincott.1878.225.Allen County Library
  5: entered 1996.Baldwin, Henry.THE HENRY BALDWIN COLLECTION.an index.40.265 & 284.Ohio Genealogical Society Library,Mansfield Ohio
  6: entered 1993.ALLEGAN COUNTY VR.son Asel Andrews death record.2.138.97
  7: 1995 letter from Richard Henry.11434 East 38th Lane.Yuma, Arizona
  8: 1880 US CENSUS
  9: entered 1997.Darius Peck, author.GENEALOGICAL ACCOUNT OF THE DESCENDANTS IN THE MALE LINE OF WILLIAM PECK OF NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT.Hudson.Bryan & Goeltz, steam book printers, 1877) p56, Allen County Library.#Gc/929.2/P3364p
  * 1816 New Lyme Township;1826 Orwell Township;1830 Cherry Valley Twp;1840 & 1850 Colebrook Township, Ashtabula, OH;1860 Bloomingdale Twp, VanBuren, MI;1880 Wayland Twp, Allegan, MI
  * 2.3.both performed by Esebuis Dodge
  * 4.p.225.gives a genealogy of the Samuel Griffon Peck family, names Betsey as a child and wife of Eli Andrews, lives in Bloomingdale Township, Michigan.
  * 5."Andrews, Eli & wife; c(ame) 1818 Trumbull Co, O.(to) Orwell Twp, Ashtabua Co, O".
  * 6.names Eli & Betsey Andrews as parents of the deceased
  * 8.found in 1880 US census, not in 1900 US census
  * GIVEN NAME: Went by Betsey, didn't find her referred to as Elizabeth anywhere, Betsey is a nickname for Elizabeth, Betsy's paternal grandmother's given name was Elizabeth?
  * 1820 US CENSUS.Ashtabula.Ohio.Andrews.E. h of hh.males under 10yr, one (Asel);26- 45yr one (Eli);females: under 10yr, two;26-45yr one (Betsey)
  * 1830 US CENSUS.Cherry Valley.Ashtabula.Ohio.Anderws: E. h of hh.males 2-5yr one (Austin);5-10yr- one;10-15yr- one (Asel);30-40yr one (Eli);female 5-10yr one;30-40yr one (Betsey)
  * 1840 US CENSUS.Colebrook.Ashtabula.Ohio.Andrews: Betsey h of hh.males: (5-10yr one);(10-15yr two, Austin & ?);(20-30yr one Asel?);female (40-50yr one,Betsey?) [Eli dead?]
  * 1850 US CENSUS.District #143 Gustavus,Trumbull,Ohio M-432-#733. 11 September 1850. page 303r. line 32. dwelling 1496. family 1549.Knowles: Adolphus h of hh.59.m.w.farmer.$1000.Vermont; Betsey 54yr.f.w.Connecticut;Orson 18.male.white.farmer; Melissa Andrews.7yr.f.w.Ohio
  * 1860 US CENSUS. Bloomingdale.VanBuren.Michigan.p21/883 L13.Andrews: Austin head of household.aged 31 years.white.married.occupation was farmer.born Ohio; wife Mary aged 19 years.born.Ohio; daughter Ida aged 2 years.born Michigan.Austin & Eli's mother Betsy.aged 60.born Connecticut.Seldon Huntley.31.m.Teamster.#1611.New York;Samuel Andrews.15.m.Laborer.Ohio
  * 1870 US CENSUS.not found
  * 1880 US CENSUS.Wayland Township.Allegan.Michigan.Living with son Austin, name Betsey Knowles

  BIRTH: 1 MARRIAGE: 2 MARRIAGE: DEATH: 1 BURIAL: *4.8.9.East Side (Martin) Cemetery
  1: death record of Asel Andrews. ALLEGAN COUNTY VR.death.2.138.97
  2: death of daughter, Melissa Andrews Cooley.VAN BUREN COUNTY VR.death.C.313.8034
  3: marriage of son Charles Lincoln.ALLEGAN COUNTY VR.marriage.6.286.4233
  4: entered 1995.Monteith, Duell & Dunkirk, comp.ALLEGAN COUNTY CEMETERY RECORDS, 1932- 1939.(DAR).14.Allegan City Library
  5: 1860 US CENSUS, parents of 7yr old Maria are Asel & Ann
  6: marriage of daughter Maria Andrews Dunn.ALLEGAN COUNTY VR.marriage.4.45.672
  7: ALLEGAN COUNTY VR.Ann Andrews probate file #33828
  8: obituary of Asel Andrews.ALLEGAN JOURNAL.6 Feb 1891
  9: Death Notice for Asel Andrews.PLAINWELL ENTERPRISE.Wednesday, 11 February, 1891.8.1.Martin.Ransom Library in Plainwell
  10: http: //www.glorecords.blm.gov
  * 1.parents.Eli & Betsey Andrews.cause of death is dropsy
  * 2.parents.Asel Andrews of Ohio & Lura Collins
  * 3.parents.Asel Andrews & Ann Dyle
  * 4.Owns lot #109 East Martin Cemetery, *empty lot according to the sexton in 1997?
  * 5.names Maria's parents as Asel & Ann Andrews
  * 6.Maria was born about 1853 in Colebrook, Ashtabula, Ohio
  * 7.names a missing heir as "son, name unknown" see 1860 census, Alexander?
  * 8.MARTIN FEBRUARY 5.The funeral of A. Andrews, formerly a resident of this town, but lately of Cheshire, was held in the M.E. church Monday. The remains were interred in the East Side cemetery.
  * 9.The remains of Mr. Andrews, a former resident of Martin, were brought from Cheshire February 2d for interment at South Side cemetery. He was about 70 years of age.
  * 10: must have migrated from Ohio between 1850 census & 1855 Allegan County Land Grant
  * 1850 US CENSUS.District #7 Wayne.Ashtabula,Ohio.7 November.roll M-432-#659.page 558.line 4.dwelling 82.family 88.Andrews: Ashel h of hh.33.m.farmer.$80.Ohio;Lura 27.f.Ohio;Milisa S. 7f..Ohio;Sherman A. 2.m.Ohio.IS THIS ASEL & HIS FIRST WIFE Lura COLLINS? If it is, who is the female Melissa Andrews 7yr old living with Asel's mother Betsey (Peck) Andrews in the same census? following below
  * 1850 US CENSUS.District #143 Gustavus,Trumbull,Ohio M-432-#733. 11 September 1850. page 303r. line 32. dwelling 1496. family 1549.Knowles: Adolphus h of hh.59.m.w.farmer.$1000.Vermont; Betsey 54yr.f.w.Connecticut;Orson 18.male.white.farmer; Melissa Andrews.7yr.f.w.Ohio
  * 1860 US CENSUS.Martin.Allegan.Michigan.page 101/337.dwelling 826.family 777 Andrews: Asel 45.Ohio.farmer.$600.$100.;Ann 30.Ohio;Maria 7.Ohio.attended school;Mary 2.Michigan.Alexander H 1/12.Michigan;next page same household.Soloman Andrews 29.Ohio.farmer
  * 1864 MICHIGAN CENSUS.Martin.Allegan.Agricultural.Andrews: Asel head of hh, males: (under 5yr one*Alexander) (three 10-21yr *Samuel, ?, ? (one 45-75yr *Asel 49yr) females: (one under 5yr *Emma 4yr) (one 5- 10yr *Mary 7yr) (one 10-18yr *Maria 11yr) two (18-40yr Ann 36yr & ?-Melissa, 21yr was already married and in her own household)
  * 1869 MICHIGAN CENSUS.Martin.Allegan.schedual 4.agriculture.p31: Asel and his farm are listed
  * 1870 US CENSUS.Martin.Allegan.Michigan.7.4.Andrews: Asel head of hh 54.Ohio.$1600.$150.reg to vote;Ann 42.,Ohio.;Maria 17.Ohio.school;Mary 13.Michigan.school;Emma 8.Michigan.school;Charles L 3.Michigan
  * 1880 US CENSUS.Martin.Allegan.Michigan.ED #13.dist.#2.p11.Andrews: Asahel h of hh.65.Ohio;Ann 53.wife.Ohio;Lincoln 13.Michigan

  Austin ANDREWS:
  BIRTH: 1.6 MARRIAGE: 2 DEATH: 3 BURIAL: 5.Germond aka German Cemetery, section 26, 126th AVE, Wayland
  1: 1860 US CENSUS
  2: Copy of marriage license, from Mary's widow's Civil War continuation of pension application found with Austin's Civil War records.
  3: ALLEGAN COUNTY VR.death.1938.2.101.1107
  4: .entered 1996.Dr Henry Thomas, editor, A TWENTIETH CENTURY HISTORY OF ALLEGAN COUNTY,MICHIGAN.Lewis.1907.pp 296,297,602.Michigan State Library, Lansing.#Mich F572.A3T47 1907
  5: Ruth Robbins Monteith, Mrs W.L.Duell, Winnifred Scales Dunkirk, comp.ALLEGAN COUNTY CEMETERY RECORDS,1932- 1939.Allegan Public Library.# Mich R977.4 ALLE
  6: Richard Henry.11434 E. 38th LN.Yuma, AZ 85367.entered 1995
  7: obituary.WAYLAND GLOBE.10 May 1888.1.4.Shelbyville
  8: entered March 2001.Monument.A.Andrews.Co. A 5th Mich.Cav
  * 2 officiant was Rufus Brown, J.P.
  * 3 place of death: Manistee: Austin Andrews.male.white.married.born Ohio.farmer.cod: consumption of lungs (T.B.)
  * 4 Royal Cooley Moved to Geauga County OH, was a neighbor of Goodell Family, In 1845 the Royal Cooley family moved to Trowbridge Twp (now Cheshire Twp), Allegan, Michigan from Ohio driving an ox team and settling next to the Goodell family, MILITARY, enlisted 21 Aug 1862 Company 1 5th MI cavalry at Cheshire, Allegan,Michigan
  * 5 monument inscription: ANDREWS, A.N. Co.A 5th MI Cav
  * 6.Grandpa was probably born in Ashtabula County, Ohio
  * 1860 US CENSUS.Bloomingdale Twp.p21/883.L13.Andrews: Austin head of household.aged 31 years.occupation is farmer.born Ohio; wife.Mary.aged 19 years.born Ohio;daughter Ida.aged 2years.born Michigan.Austin & Eli's mother; Betsey.aged 60 years.born Connecticut.Levi Huntley.aged 31 years.occupation was teamster.born New York..Samuel Andrews.aged 15years.occupation was laborer.born Ohio.attended school
  * 1870 US CENSUS.Cheshire Twp,Allegan,Michigan.p33.L16.dwelling #206.family #245..Andrews: Austin head of household.aged 38 years.white.male.occupation was farmer.$600.$173.born Ohio.eligable to vote; Mary wife.aged 34 years.female.white.occupation was keeping house.born Ohio;daughter Ada C. (Ida E.).age 13 years female.white.occupation was at home.born Michigan.attended school; Son Elmer.aged 10 years.male.white.occupation was at home.born Michigan.attended school; Daughter Mary.aged 7 years.female.white.occupation was at home.born Michigan.didn't attendschool; Daughter Dora.aged 4 years.female.white.occupation was at home.born Michigan; Daughter Cora 9/12.female.white.occupation was at home.born Michigan.didnt see Austin & Eli's mother Betsy Knowles?
  * 1880 US CENSUS.Wayland.Allegan,Michigan.Andrews: Austin.Mary.Blanche.Ada & Ella. Betsey Knowles *whereabouts: 1872, Martin Twp, 1877,Bradley, 1882 Pension records: Hobart, Wexford County, 1888, Manistee County.
  * 6 On 21 Aug 1862 Austin enlisted in Company I, 5th MI Cavalry Regiment in Cheshire, Allegan CO. This company was formed of men all from Allegan CO and was one of several cavalry regiments including Custer's 7th, MI which made up the MI Cavalry Brigade. The Brigade saw much action in the Civil War, at the battle of Gettysburg helped keep the Confederate calvary from attacking the rear of the Union forces. They participated in several campaigns aimed at the Confederate capitol of Richmond and during a retreat from Brandy Station, Virginia two toes on Austin's right foot were accidentally shot off. He received treatment at several hospitals and was discharged 23 June 1865 at FT Leavenworth, KS. The more recently enlisted calvarymen in the brigade stayed in Custer's 7th to campaign against the indians and some no doubt died at the little Big Horn in 1876. On 4 June 1877 Austin's application for invalid Army Pension read as follows: "that while in the service aforesaid, and in the line of duty as a soldier, at or near a place called Bull Run, state of VA, on the 15th day of Oct. 1863 while fighting with the enemy and falling back very quick affiant's gun was accidentally discharged, the ball therefrom taking off the two second toes on his right foot which greatly incapacitates him for manual labor and for which he prays a pension". The Adjutant General's report of 21 July 1877 states "on the muster rolls of Co.1 of that regiment for the months of Sep. & Oct. 1863, he is reported wounded and absent wounded and in hospital. List of casualties of that regiment for 1863 reports him accidentally shot in the foot" at Brady Station, VA 11 Oct. 1863. Reported absent sick & in hospital to 30 Jun 1864, July & Aug. 1864, present for duty Sep & Oct. 1864, absent without leave Nov. & Dec. 1864, same report. MO Rolls of Company 23 Jun. 1865 reports him Austin N. ANDREWS, mustered out at FT Leavenworth, KA with remark "Erroneously reported absent without leave on some rolls". His application for pension on 4 Jun. 1877, Bradley Post office, Allegan CO was witnessed by GA PIPER & Nathinel GOODELL of Monterey TWP, The latter a relative of his wife Mary L. GOODALL who said he had known him for 12 years
  * 7.COUNTY CORRESPONDANCE.Martin Mention. May 8.Austin Andrews, a farmer living some three miles northeast of here, died last week at Manistee where he had gone to work for a short time. His remains were brought here last Saturday.