North Carolina Family Group Sheet for the David WRENN Family

Husband: David WRENN
Birthdate: Mar 04, 1857
Birthplace: Rockingham County, NC
Death date: Oct. 11, 1931
Place of death: Guilford County, North Carolina
Father: unknown
Mother: Parthenia (NLN)

Marriage date: July 7, 1877
Marriage place: Alamance County, North Carolina

Wife: Nancy Margaret FOSTER
Birthdate: May 30, 1848
Birthplace: Alamance County, North Carolina
Death date: Dec. 30, 1931
Place of death: Guilford County, North Carolina
Father: Lewis Foster
Mother: Rachel (Fall or Tate?)


Child No. 1: Ada Della Wrenn
Sex: F
Birthdate: March 1879
Birthplace: Alamance County, North Carolina
Death date: Jan. 19, 1978
Place of death: Guilford County, North Carolina
Marriage date: Oct. 14, 1899
Marriage place: Alamance County, North Carolina
Spouse's name: William Walter Wyrick

Child No. 2: William Henry Wrenn
Sex: M
Birthdate: Jan. 17, 1882
Birthplace: Alamance County, North Carolina
Death date: Mar. 01, 1964
Place of death: Guilford County, North Carolina
Marriage date: Mar. 4, 1900
Marriage place: Alamance County, North Carolina
Spouse's name: Mary Elizabeth Sykes

Child No. 3: Mary Susan Wrenn
Sex: F
Birthdate: Nov. 30, 1886
Birthplace: Alamance County, North Carolina
Death date: Mar. 15, 1958
Place of death: Guilford County, North Carolina
Marriage date: Dec. 24, 1903
Marriage place: Alamance County, North Carolina
Spouse's name: Ernest Lee Hobbs

Child No. 4: Alma May Wrenn
Sex: F
Birthdate: Nov. 30, 1890
Birthplace: Alamance County, North Carolina
Death date: Jan. 21, 1978
Place of death: Guilford County, North Carolina
Marriage date: Dec. 09, 1908
Marriage place: Guilford County, North Carolina
Spouse's name: Robert Edward Loman, Sr.

Child No. 5: Son
Sex: M
Birthdate: bef 1882
Birthplace: Guilford or Alamance County, North Carolina
Death date: Died Young
Place of death: Guilford or Alamance County, North Carolina
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: none

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