North Carolina Family Group Sheet for the Franklin Hargrave WOODY Family

Husband: Franklin Hargrave WOODY
Birthdate: Jan 10 1833
Birthplace: Alamance Co., North Carolina
Death date: July 16 1916
Place of death: Missoula Montana
Burial: Missoula Montana
Father: Robert WOODY
Mother: Frances E. HARGRAVE

Marriage date: Dec 10 1871
Marriage place: Missoula Montana

Wife: Sarah Elizabeth COUNTRYMAN
Birthdate: Jan 6 1853
Birthplace: Marysville Yuba Co. Ca.
Death date: June 15 1919
Place of death: Missoula Montana
Burial: Missoula Montana
Father: Horace COUNTRYMAN
Mother: Margaret Sarah PAYNE


Child No. 1: Frank WOODY
Sex: M
Birthdate: Dec 12 1873
Birthplace: Missoula Montana
Death date: Aug 16 1945
Place of death: Helena Montana
Burial: Missoula Montana
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Mary Josephine HAYES

Child No. 2: Flora Payne WOODY
Sex: F
Birthdate: Nov 23 1879
Birthplace: Missoula Montana
Death date: early 1950s
Place of death: Washington DC
Burial: Arlington Cemetery Arlington Fairfax,Virginia
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Missoula Montana
Spouse's name: Capt. Davis Catlin Anderson

Child No. 3: Alice Mary WOODY
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1874
Birthplace: Missoula Montana
Death date: Jan 24 1965
Place of death:
Burial: Missoula Montana
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Never married

Child No. 4: Rebecca WOODY
Sex: F
Birthdate: unknown
Birthplace: Missoula Montana
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Missoula Montana
Burial: Missoula Montana
Marriage date: Died Young
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 5: Rose Anna WOODY
Sex: F
Birthdate: Dec 19 1876
Birthplace: Missoula Montana
Death date: Oct 3 1878
Place of death: Missoula Montana
Marriage date: Died young
Burial: Missoula Montana
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 6: Ruth Emma Woody
Sex: F
Birthdate: Jan 19 1881
Birthplace: Missoula Montana
Death date: Feb 14 1881
Place of death: Missoula Montana
Burial: Missoula Montana
Marriage date: Died young
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 7: Rachel WOODY
Sex: F
Birthdate: Aug 25 1884
Birthplace: Missoula Montana
Death date: Oct 4 1884
Place of death: Missoula Montana
Burial: Missoula Montana
Marriage date: Died young
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 8: Robert Thomas WOODY
Sex: M
Birthdate: Oct 17 1886
Birthplace: Missoula Montana
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Missoula Montana
Burial: Missoula Montana
Marriage date: Died young
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 9: Beth Tomashine WOODY
Sex: F
Birthdate: March 30 1889
Birthplace: Missoula Montana
Death date: Feb 24 1899
Place of death: Missoula Montana
Burial: Missoula Montana
Marriage date: Died young
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* Flora Payne WOODY and Capt. Davis Catlin Anderson Marriage. News Paper "the Missoulain".
* Franklin Hargrave WOODY and Sarah Elizabeth COUNTRYMAN's children. Franklin Hargrave WOODY" papers.
* Franklin Hargrave WOODY and Sarah Elizabeth COUNTRYMAN's born and died dates. Grave stones Missoula, Montana. Franklin Hargrave WOODY's biography. Society Of Montana Pioneers Volume 1, Register Edited By James U. Sanders, Secretary Missoula County.

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