North Carolina Family Group Sheet for the Granson Fields WESTBROOKS Family

Husband: Granson Fields WESTBROOKS
Birthdate:28 Apr 1832
Birthplace: VA
Death date: 05 Jul 1912
Place of death: Greensboro, Guilford Co., NC
Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Guilford Co., NC
Father: Pascal Westbrooks
Mother: Mary Smith

Marriage date:
Marriage place:

Wife: Mariah Hampton WHITE
Birthdate:14 Aug 1834
Birthplace: VA
Death date: 05 Dec 1926
Place of death: Greensboro, NC
Burial: Fairview Church Cemetery, Guildford, NC
Father: A. White
Mother: Martha Hardy


Child No. 1: Francis Marion Westbrook
Sex: M
Birthdate: 09 Nov 1860
Birthplace: Rockingham Co., NC
Death date: 07 Feb 1943
Place of death: Greensboro, NC
Burial: Forest Lawn Cemetery, Greensboro, NC
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Emma Dorena Wright

Child No. 2: Madison Westbrook
Sex: M
Birthdate: Abt. 1862
Birthplace: Rockingham Co., NC
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Fannie Ann Westbrook
Birthdate: Abt. 1869
Birthplace: Rockingham Co., NC
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Sarah M. Westbrook
Sex: F
Birthdate: Abt. 1871
Birthplace: Rockingham Co., NC
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* 1850 United States Federal Census about Pascal Westbrook Name: Pascal Westbrook Age: 55 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1795 Birthplace: Virginia Gender: Male Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Southern District, Pittsylvania, Virginia Household Members: Name Age
Pascal Westbrook 55, Farmer
Mary Westbrook 55
Grandison Westbrook 17, Laborer
Mary Westbrook 12
* 1860 United States Federal Census about G F Wesbrook Name: G F Wesbrook Age in 1860: 26 Birth Year: abt 1834 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Southern Division, Rockingham, North Carolina Gender: Male Post Office: Reidsville Value of real estate: View Image Household Members: Name Age
G F Wesbrook 26, Overseer
Mariah Wesbrook 22
* U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 about Grandison F. Westbrooks Name: Grandison F. Westbrooks Side: Confederate Regiment State/Origin: North Carolina Regiment Name: 45 North Carolina Infantry Regiment Name Expanded: 45th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry COMPANY: E Rank In: Private Rank In Expanded: Private Rank Out: Private Rank Out Expanded: Private Film Number: M230 roll 41
* American Civil War Soldiers about Grandson Westbrooks Name: Grandson Westbrooks RESIDENCE: Rockingham County, North Carolina Occupation: Farmer Enlistment Date: 27 Feb 1862 Enlistment Place: Rockingham County, North Carolina Side Served: Confederacy State Served: North Carolina Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 27 February 1862 at the age of 28. Enlisted in Company E, 45th Infantry Regiment North Carolina on 2 Apr 1862.
* 16 Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865 about G F Westbrooks Name: G F Westbrooks Side: Confederate Roll: M598_117 Roll Title: Selected Records of the War Department Relating to Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865 Captured at Spotsylvania Courthouse Possible:
* 1870 United States Federal Census about G F Wesbrooks Name: G F Wesbrooks Estimated Birth Year: abt 1820 Age in 1870: 50 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Simpsonville, Rockingham, North Carolina Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: View Image Post Office: Wentworth Household Members: Name Age
G F Wesbrooks 50, farmer, cannot write
Maria Wesbrooks 32, cannot write
Madison Wesbrooks 8
Fanny Wesbrooks 2
* 1880 United States Federal Census about G. F. Westbrook Name: G. F. Westbrook Home in 1880: Simpsonville, Rockingham, North Carolina Age: 52 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1828 Birthplace: Virginia Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head) Spouse's Name: Mariah H. Father's birthplace: North Carolina Mother's birthplace: Virginia Neighbors: View others on page Occupation: Farmer Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Male
G. F. Westbrook 52, Farmer
Mariah H. Westbrook 45, house keeper (Father's birthplace: Virginia Mother's birthplace: Virginia)
Francis M. Westbrook 19, Works on Farm
Fannie An Westbrook 12, Assist. House Keeper
Sallie Mc. Westbrook 9
* 1900 United States Federal Census about Grandia Westbrooks Name: Grandia Westbrooks [Grandison Westbrooks] Home in 1900: Simpsonville, Rockingham, North Carolina Age: 68 Birthdate: Apr 1832 Birthplace: Virginia Race: White Ethnicity: American Relationship to head-of-house: Head Father's Birthplace: North Carolina Mother's Birthplace: Virginia Spouse's Name: Mairah H Marriage Year: 1859 Marital Status: Married Years Married: 41 Residence : Simpsonville Township, Rockingham, North Carolina Occupation: View Image Neighbors: View others on page Household Members: Name Age
Grandia Westbrooks 68, Farmer
Mairah H Westbrooks 65
Sarah M Westbrooks 23
* 1910 United States Federal Census about Grant F Westbrooks Name: Grant F Westbrooks Age in 1910: 78 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1832 Birthplace: Virginia Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birthplace: Virginia Mother's Birthplace: Virginia Spouse's Name: Maria H Home in 1910: Simpsonville, Rockingham, North Carolina Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Male Neighbors: View others on page Household Members: Name Age
Grant F Westbrooks 78, Farmer, General farming
Maria H Westbrooks 75
* Possible: North Carolina Death Collection, 1908-2004 about Granson F Westbrook Name: Granson F Westbrook Race: White Age: 80 Date of Birth: 1832 Date of Death: 5 Jul 1912 Death County: Guilford Death State: North Carolina Source Vendor: NC State Archives.
* North Carolina Deaths, 1908-67 North Carolina Death Certificates, 1909-1975 about Mr. Granson Fields Westbrooks Name: Mr. Granson Fields Westbrooks Gender: Male Race: White Age: 80 Birthdate: 28 Apr 1832 Birthplace: Virginia, United States Death Date: 5 Jul 1912 Cause of death: Heart desease, seneility Occupation: Farmer Death Location: Greensboro, Guilford Father's Name: Parchil Westbrooks, b: North Carolina Mother's Name: Miss Mary Smith, b: Va.

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