North Carolina Family Group Sheet for the George Washington VOYLES Family #2

Husband: George Washington VOYLES
Birthdate: February 10, 1813
Birthplace: Culberson Co., NC
Death date: 1890
Place of death:
Father: James VOYLES, Sr.
Mother: Ruth GARREN

Marriage date: before 1860
Marriage place:

Wife: Elizabeth NARRIMORE
Birthdate: December 1818
Birthplace: Hall Co., GA
Death date: September 9, 1925
Place of death: Alcorn Co., MS
Burial: Union Church Cem.
Father: Elijah William NARRIMORE
Mother: Frances REAGAN


Child No. 1: Albert M. VOYLES
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1858
Birthplace: TN
Death date: after 1925
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Lessa unknown

Child No. 2: William Oscar VOYLES
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1861
Birthplace: AL
Death date: August 2, 1940
Place of death:
Marriage date: February 10, 1881
Marriage place: Corinth, Alcorn Co., MS
Spouse's name: Mary Ann WALLACE, Mollie GULLEGE, Angeline CROW,
Tommie Ann YARBER

Child No. 3: Curlee VOYLES
Sex: M
Birthdate: ca 1865
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Isabelle VOYLES
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1876
Birthplace: Alcorn Co., MS
Death date: February 18, 1949
Place of death: Rienzi, Alcorn Co., MS
Burial: Union Church Cem., Alcorn Co., MS
Marriage date: August 12, 1891
Marriage place: Corinth, Alcorn Co., MS
Spouse's name: Samuel Robert GURLEY, Albert Andrew ESSARY

Child No. 5: Ruth VOYLES
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1872
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* Pam Sadowski ( gave me the names of the children of G.W. Voyles and Mandy Naramore and their birthplaces.
* 1840 census for Hall Co., GA, George W. Voyles
2 males under 5
1 male 20-30
2 females 20-30
* 1850 Cherokee Co., NC
George W. Voils age 35
Nancy 30
Henry 10
James M. 9
Guilford 7
Jasper 6
Jackson 3
George 3
Emily 1
* 1860 Winston Co., AL
George W. Voyles 45 male farmer 2000/500 NC?
Elizabeth 32 domestic GA
James 19 male farmer GA (assume this is James M. from 1850?)
Jasper 16 male GA
J.T.D. 13 male GA (assume this is Jackson from 1850?)
Newton 8 male TN
Albert 3 male TN
James A.? 5 male MS
Emily 11 female NC (assume this is Emily from 1850?)
Amanda 8 female MS
* Tish. Co. deed page 152, G.W. Tigner deeds to G.W. Voiles
This indenture made the 27th of May A.D. 1861 between G.W. Tigner and Elizabeth Tigner, his wife of the first part, and George W. Voiles of the second part ... sum of $200.00 to them in hand paid by the second part ... the north west quarter of section 27, in township 5 of range 9 east of the Basis Meridian line ...
* Police Court Old Tish. Co., MS Jan. term 1861 page 402
The following notes were received and approved this day by the board and interest paid thereon as follows to wit:
One note on E.E. Voyles, G.W. Voyles, and A.M. Voyles $52.33 interest paid $4.18.
* Old Tish. Co., MS tax payers 1861, G.W. Voiles
division of land north west 1/4 section 27 township 5 range 9 number of acres now taxable-160 value per acre-2 total value of lands now taxable-320 amt. of state tax on lands now taxable 1/5 per cent-64 military tax 50 per cent on state tax-32
* 1866 Tax polls for Old Tish. Co., MS G.W. Voyles paid 50 cents for military tax fund
* 1868 Tax rolls Old Tish. Co., MS Geo. Voils
free white males between 21-55=1 tax $2.00
* Minute Book County Court page 6 Tish Co., MS Nov. term 1867 Case 89 G.W. Voiles vs. Allen Collier
This day came the plaintiff by attorney and dismisses this suit.
It is therefore considered by the court, that the defendant recover of said plaintiff the costs in this behalf incured for which execution may issue.
* 1869 Old Tish. Co., MS assessment rolls G.W. Voyles
* They were living in Alabama in 1860.  There are several children listed with them, but we believe most of these children are from George's first marriage to Mandy Narramore (Elizabeth's sister). Elizabeth and George are back in Alcorn Co., MS in 1870 with two new sons, Oscar (1860) and Curlee (1864).  By 1880 they have a daughter, Isabelle (1871).
There are several stories told about her (Elizabeth).  One was she used to stand in her doorway and call her cow home at night. Another time she stood in her door with an ax in her hand and faced the Indians.  She told them, "Bless God, if anyone lays a hand on my cow, I'll chop off their heads."  They left and she was not harmed.  Another story was when she was younger.  She was gathering wood to cook in the fireplace and was bitten by a snake.  She killed the snake and took it to the house so that if she died they would know what happened to her.  She was lying by the gate calling for help when Bill Mattox heard her.  They killed a black hen, split it open and wrapped her leg where she was bitten.  They say the fresh blood and warm body of the hen drew the poison from her body.  Elizabeth lived to be 107 years old.  They say she was picking cotton the day before she died.  She died in Sept. 1925 and is buried at Union Church.
(Information provided by: Mrs. Norbin (Lila) Briggs Voyles.)
* 1870 Alcorn Co., MS census page 22 Kossuth Post Office
VOYHS A.J. 63 male white farmer 1800/550 SC  (I believe this is G.W. and Elizabeth???)
Lizzie 52 female white keepshouse GA
Anron? 14 male white farmhand MS  (believe this is James A. from 1860 census?)
Albert 12 male white farmhand MS
Oscar 10 male white farmhand MS
Curlee 6 male white farmhand MS
next house is Jasper and family.
* Judgment Roll Alcorn Co., MS G.W. Voyles and G.W. Ellis amt. of judgment or degree $30.00 Dec. 7, 1872
G.W. Voyles amt. of judgment or degree $135.63 Nov. 7, 1874
G.W. Voyles amt. of judgement or degree $42.44 April 10, 1874
* page 288 Alcorn Co. deed
14th day of Feb. 1873 Riley Myers and Elizabeth Myers of the first part and G.W. Voyles of the second part...sum of $50.00 to them in hand paid...NE 1/4 of section 31 township 4 range 9 east...
* Prentiss Co., deeds page 269-70
E.E. Voyles deeds to G.W. Voyles for $158.00 to me in hand paid...NW 1/4 of section 32 township 4 range 9 east...Nov. 23, 1872
* 1877 Alcorn Co. school children
VOYLES Ruth age 5 female white
Kurl age 12 male white (could this be Curlee?)
Oscar age 15 male white
Isabella 7 female white
* 1880 Alcorn Co. MS census 5th District
VOYLES George W. age 73
Elizabeth 56, wife
William A. age 19?, son
Kerlile 15, son
Isabeler 9 dau.
Albert M. 23 son
Mary M. 20 daughter in law
* page 504-505 Prentiss Co., MS deed G.W. Voyles deeds to T.B. Barnes
I, G.W. Voyles, and his wife, E.B. Voyles, do hereby T.B. in Prentiss Co., MS namely the South 1/2 of the NW quarter of section 32 township 4 range 9 east containing 80 acres more or less...for the sum of $30.00. November 22, 1882.

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