North Carolina Family Group Sheet for the Phillip Ramsour RUSS Family

Husband: Phillip Ramsour RUSS
Birthdate: 1832
Birthplace: Cleveland Co., NC
Death date: Bef 1900
Place of death:
Father: Jacob RUSS
Mother: Judy MCBRAYER

Marriage date: May 22, 1851
Marriage place: Cleveland Co., NC

Wife: Margaret Irena BEATTY
Birthdate: May 1836
Birthplace: Prob. Cleveland Co., NC
Death date: 1915
Place of death:
Father: John T. BEATTY
Mother: Harriett


Child No. 1: Henrietta RUSS
Sex: F
Birthdate: Abt 1852
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Emma RUSS
Sex: F
Birthdate: October 1858
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Solomon JACKSON

Child No. 3: Landrum Forest RUSS
Sex: M
Birthdate: October 23, 1862
Birthplace: NC
Death date: March 29, 1939
Place of death: NC
Burial: Bostic Cem., Rutherford Co., NC
Marriage date:
Marriage place: NC
Spouse's name: Mary Etta PETTIT

Child No. 4: Cyrus R. RUSS
Sex: M
Birthdate: September 01, 1869
Birthplace: NC
Death date: October 16, 1956
Place of death: NC
Burial: NC
Marriage date:
Marriage place: NC
Spouse's name: Amanda Jane EVANS

Child No. 5: Jemima Lucinda RUSS
Sex: F
Birthdate: January 21, 1865
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

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