North Carolina Family Group Sheet for the Peter BOZEMAN Family

Husband: Peter BOZEMAN
Birthdate: abt 1750
Birthplace: Bladen North Carolina
Death date: abt 1829
Place of death: Montgomery Alabama
Burial: Montgomery
Father: Mordecai Boseman
Mother: Elizabeth

Marriage date: abt 1790
Marriage place:

Wife: Sarah BROWN
Birthplace: they appear on 1820 census of Darlington SC
Death date:
Place of death: Montgomery Alabama
Burial: they moved to Alabama about 1826-1827


Child No. 1: Meade
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1790
Death date: aft 1830
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place: 1830 census of Dallas County Alabama
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Jesse
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1/28/1793
Birthplace: South Carolina
Death date: 4/23/1855
Place of death: Montgomery Alabama
Burial: Hope Hull in Montgomery AL
Marriage date: abt 1826
Marriage place: SC- Jesse bought land in Montgomery in 1827.
Spouse's name: Lucy

Child No. 3: Lucy
Sex: f
Birthdate: 1800
Birthplace: SC
Death date:
Place of death: AL
Marriage date:
Marriage place: 1830 census living next to Jesse and William
Spouse's name: Sterling Campbell

Child No. 4: William Henry
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1802
Birthplace: SC
Death date: 1847
Place of death: Montgomery Alabama
Marriage date: abt 1825
Marriage place: SC
Spouse's name: Martha H

Child No. 5: Peter E
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1807
Birthplace: SC
Death date:
Place of death: LA?
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* Mordecai and his sons, Peter, John and James were all born in Bladen North Carolina and they all served in the American Revolution according to the book "Sketches of Bozeman" printed in 1885 and according to the South Carolina Archives at receiving pensions and land grants.
* About 1827 Peter and his entire family moved to Montgomery Alabama but Peter died about 1829 with court documents showing Jesse as the Administrator of his Estate.
* Other documents indicate that Peter was writing to SC for his pension.
* The Estate Sale includes Sarah and names all of the children, including three slaves.
* Jesse's tombstone was recently found on that property they owned in Hope Hull near his daughter Lacy and son James. Other broken headstones were illegible so it is possible and logical that his father is also buried there.

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