New York Family Group Sheet for the William Martin SMITH Family

Husband: William Martin SMITH
Birthdate: 12-26-1824
Birthplace: Brooklyn,NY
Death date: 7-3-1902
Place of death: Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Burial: Zions-Ehlers Cemetery Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Father: William Marion SMITH
Mother: Maria NICHOLSON

Marriage date: 1-18-1866
Marriage place: Mt. Miegs Montgomery Co.,AL

Wife: Martha Ann MOORE
Birthdate: 1840
Birthplace: Mt. Miegs Montgomery Co.,AL
Death date: 2-27-1887
Place of death: Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Burial: Zions-Ehlers Cemetery Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Father: Valentine MOORE
Mother: Louisa B. WARD


Child No. 1: William Marion SMITH
Sex: M
Birthdate: 11-7-1866
Birthplace: Montgomery Co., AL
Death date: 1917
Place of death: Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Burial: Zions-Ehlers Cemetery Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Marriage date: 1887
Marriage place: Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Spouse's name: Minerva WHATLEY

Child No. 2: Madora SMITH
Sex: F
Birthdate: 6-5-1869
Birthplace: Montgomery Co., AL
Death date: 1952
Place of death: Moss Point Jackson Co., MS
Burial: Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Marriage date: 1888
Marriage place: Moss Point-Pascagoula Jackson Co.,MS
Spouse's name: Joseph Mitchell CIRLOT

Child No. 3: Mary Jane SMITH
Sex: F
Birthdate: 2-12-1872
Birthplace: Mobile or Montgomery Co., AL
Death date: 1943
Place of death: Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Burial: Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Marriage date: 1887
Marriage place: Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Spouse's name: Thomas Henry Armstrong RIGGLES

Child No. 4: Mariah SMITH
Sex: F
Birthdate: 4-24-1873
Birthplace: Fowl River Mobile Co.,AL/Jackson Co.,MS stateline
Death date: 1909
Place of death: Moss Point, Jackson Co., MS
Burial: Zions-Ehlers Cemetery Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Marriage date: 1895
Marriage place: Escatawpa Jackson Co.,MS
Spouse's name: James Hendryx WYATT

Child No. 5: Paul Drinkwater SMITH
Sex: M
Birthdate: 11-23-1874
Birthplace: Fowl River Mobile Co.,AL/Jackson Co.,MS stateline
Death date: AFTER 1920
Place of death: Probably Mobile County,AL
Marriage date: 1897
Burial: unknown
Marriage place: Vancleave-Escatawpa Jackson Co., MS
Spouse's name: Louisa Ruble JOHNSON

Child No. 6: Leona Lee SMITH
Sex: F
Birthdate: 8-21-1881
Birthplace: Fowl River Mobile Co.,AL/Jackson Co.,MS stateline
Death date: 1974
Place of death: Escambia Co., Atmore, AL
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 1898
Marriage place: Escatawpa, Jackson Co., MS
Spouse's name: Rodolphus Lafayette KEMP
* William Martin Smith Family Bibles.

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