New York Family Group Sheet for the William Schwendler III Family

Husband: William SCHWENDLER III
Birthdate: 1856
Birthplace: Dansville NY
Death date: 1922
Place of death: Dansville NY
Burial: Greenmount Cem Dansville NY
Father: William Schwendler II
Mother: Catharine Wagner

Marriage date: 1884
Marriage place: Dansville NY

Wife: Ida Elizabeth SANGER
Birthdate: 1863
Birthplace: South Livonia NY
Death date: 1957
Place of death: Dansville NY
Burial: Greenmount Cem Dansville NY
Father: John Sanger
Mother: Emily Foster


Child No. 1: Leon Wilbor
Sex: M
Birthdate: Mar 4 1888
Birthplace: Dansville NY
Death date: 10 Jan 1980
Place of death: Florissant MO
Burial: Greenmount Cem Dansville NY
Marriage date: Sept 1916
Marriage place: Rochester NY
Spouse's name: Vera Mae Gorham

Child No. 2: Carl
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1891
Birthplace: Dansville NY
Death date: 1962
Place of death: Dansville NY
Burial: Greenmount Cem Dansville NY
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Edith Hamilton; Lida Noble

Child No. 3: William IV
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1899
Birthplace: Dansville Ny
Death date: 1951
Place of death: Dansville Ny
Burial: Greenmount Cem Dansville NY
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Warren PA
Spouse's name: Gwendolyn Martin

Child No. 4: Emily
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1899 (twin to William IV)
Birthplace: Dansville NY
Death date: 1975
Place of death: Dansville NY
Marriage date: 1923
Marriage place: Dansville Ny
Spouse's name: James Crotser
* Family records;
* Census reports.

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