New York Family Group Sheet for the Charles Ervin Ryant Family

Husband: Charles Ervin RYANT (2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 24, 28, 32, 34, 35)
Birthdate: 27/Jul/1885
Birthplace: Unity Plantation, Waldo, Maine (16, 17, 26, 33)
Death date: 17/Dec/1964
Place of death: Oneida, Madison, New York (33)
Burial: Lenox Rural Cemetery, Canastota, Madison, NY (19)
Father: Charles Plascard RYANT (4, 33)
Mother: Arvilla GOWIN (33)

Marriage date: Feb. 5, 1910
Marriage place: Pittsfield, Somerset, Maine (26, 33)

Wife: Jessie Maud GILMAN (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 40c)
Birthdate: 10/Sept/1890
Birthplace: Foxcroft, Piscataquis, ME (26, 36)
Death date: 26/Jul/1977
Place of death: Onieda, Madison, New York (36)
Burial: Lenox Rural Cemetery, Lenox, Madison, NY (19, 19a, 36a)
Father: Frank GILMAN (1, 22, 25, 26, 36)
Mother: Catherine (Katie) Bell WEYMOUTH (1, 3, 4a, 5a, 25, 36, 39)


Child No. 1: Catherine Hazel (GILMAN) (3, 4a, 33, 34, 35, 36)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 27/Jan/1908
Birthplace: Pittsfield, Somerset, Maine (28, 32)
Death date: 4/Sept/1998
Place of death: Tewksbury, Middlesex, Mass (32)
Burial: Lowell Cemetery; Lowell, Middlesex, MA (43)
Marriage date: 11/May/1929
Marriage place: Lowell, Middlesex, Mass (28)
Spouses' names: Ralph S. PUSHOR (Sr.) (28, 32, 38)

Child No. 2: Doris Ellen (2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36)
Sex: F
Birthdate: Sept. 10, 1910
Birthplace: Pittsfield, Somerset, Maine (13)
Death date: 05/Nov/2008
Place of death: Oneida, Madison, NY (34)
Burial: Lenox Rural Cemetery, Lenox, Madison, NY (18, 34)
Marriage date: Dec. 6, 1942
Marriage place: Lowell, Middlesex, MA (24, 34)
Spouses' names: Alfred BRUNK (!8, 34)

Child No. 3: Jacqueline (Jackie) Arvilla (8, 9, 10, 11, 33, 34, 35a, 35b, 36)
Sex: F
Birthdate: May 16,1915
Birthplace: Pittsfield, Somerset, Maine (15, 35)
Death date: May 10, 1990
Place of death: Syracuse, NY (20a, 35)
Burial: Pine Plains Cemetery, Clay, NY (20, 35)
Marriage date: Dec. 27, 1941
Marriage place: Tewksbury, Middlesex, MA (45)
Spouses' names: Richard SNYDER [1]; (27, 41a, 41b, 41c); Charles LeFLAIR [2]; (35a, 35b); Rocco FIORAMONTE [3] (20, 35)

Child No. 4: Marilynn Alice (8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36)
Sex: F
Birthdate: Sept. 26, 1920
Birthplace: Pittsfield, Somerset, Maine (14, 21)
Death date: 12/8/2016
Place of death: Lakeport. NY (21, 37)
Burial: Fyler Settlement Cemetery, Chittenango, NY (37)
Marriage date: Apr. 3, 1942
Marriage place: Jacksonville, Duval,, FL (27, 27a)
Spouses' names: Gerald WRIGHT (21, 27, 27a)

Child No. 5: Bradley Ervin (11, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 5/Jul/1935
Birthplace: Lowell, Middlesex, MA (44)
Death date: July 4, 2018
Place of death: Central Square, Oswego, NY (31)
Burial: See notes
Marriage date: June 13, 1959
Marriage place: Oneida, Madison, New York (46)
Spouses' names: Anna Mae FELLOWS (30, 34)
1) 1904 Pittsfield Register (ME); page 76 (Google e-book)
2) 1911-1912 East Somerset county register; Pittsfield, page 477 (Google e-book)
3) Ibid: page 449
4) 1919 Unity Plantation Directory
4a) 1920 Pittsfield, ME, US Census; ED: 116, page 14B, lines 63/64, HH 613
5) Lowell (MA) City Directories: 1926
5a) Ibid: 1926
5b) Ibid: 1924
6) Ibid: 1923
7) Ibid: 1929
8) 1930 Census, Lowell, MA; ED 9-95, Page 3-A
9) 1937 Tewksbury, MA Directory
10) Ibid: 1940
11) 1940 US Census, Tewksbury, MA: ED 9-500, Page 12B;, Line 45, HH 232
13) Birth Record (Doris Ryant) FHL Film 5011864, Image 1395
14) Birth Record (Marilyn Ryant): Ibid: Image 1400
15) Birth Record (Jackie Ryant): Ibid, Image 1399
16) Draft Registration (WW1)
17) Draft Registration (WW2) (1942)
18) Gravestone: (Doris) Lenox Rural Cemetery, Canastota, NY (34)
19) Gravestone: (Jesse & Charles) Ibid (36)
20) Gravestone: (Jackie) Pine Plains Cemetery, Clay, NY (35)
21) Gravestone: (Marilyn & Gerald Wright); Fyler Settlement Cemetery, Chittenango, NY
22) James E Gilman Family Record: FHL Film 10826, Image 284
24) Lowell Sun Newspaper: Dec. 28, 1942; page 6
25) Marriage: (Frank and Katie (Weymouth-Gilman) FHL Film 7595362, Image 485
26) Marriage Record (Jesse & Charles) FHL Film 5011864, Image 1396
27) Marriage License (Marilyn) FHL Film
28) Marriage License: (VR) Lowell, MA (Ralph & Catherine)
29) Obituary: Rome (NY) Sentinel; Mar. 3, 1969
30) Obituary (Anna Mae Ryant); Syracuse Post Standard, NY;
31) Ibid (Bradley Ryant)
32) Obituary: Lowell Sun Newspaper; Sept. 6, 1998, page 15 (Catherine Pushor)
33) Obituary: Rome (NY) Sentinel; (Charles Ryant)
34) Obit: (Doris)
35) Obituary (Jackie) Watertown (NY) Daily Times; May 11, 1990, page 30
35a) Obituary (Charles LaFlair) Madison County Times; Mar. 2, 1962;
35b) Charles F LaFlaire WW11 Headstone Request Form
35c) Charles F LaFlair; FHL Death Record
36) Obituary (Jesse) Public Library, Oneida, NY
37) Obituary (Marilyn)
38) Obituary (Ralph) Lowell Sun Newspaper; Aug. 12, 1987, page 46
39) Weymouth Family Record: FHL Film 7595745, Image 27
40) Lowell Sun Newspaper (MA) (See Notes)
41a) Burial Record: Lenox Rural Cemetery, Lenox, Madison,
41b) Gravestone_1_Richard_Snyder.pdf
41c) Gravestone_2_Richard_Snyder.pdf
42) Lowell City Directories (Lowell, Middlesex, MA)
43) Personal knowledge of author
44) Massachusetts, Birth Index, 1860-1970; Vol. 65, page 248
45) VR; Tewksbury, Middlesex, MA (no copy)
46) VR: New York State Marriage Index (Cert. #18283)
47) Traub Funeral Home, Central Square, NY (Note: s)
48) 1910 US Census, Maine, Unity Plantation, ED 95, page 1A, lines 12, 13

  (a) Jessie may have lived in Cambridge, MA as a teenager. (See: FGS Notes for Frank A. Gilman.)
  (b) Ervin & Jessie Ryant Residence Record (5, 5a, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 42) Ervin and Jessie were living with his father in Unity Plantation, Maine in 1910. (48) They were then living in Pittsfield, Maine from, at least 1910-1920. (13,14,15,16) They came to Lowell in 1922. (42) See: FGS Notes for Ralph S. Pushor Sr.
  1918     Pittsfield, Maine (16)
  1922/1924   9 Ellis St Lowell MA
  1925/1929   14 McFarlin Ave Lowell, MA
  1929/1930   1 Stevens St Lowell, MA
  1937/1941   Pleasant St Tewksbury, MA
  1942/1945   687 Rogers St Lowell, MA (17)
  (TSH is Tewksbury State Hospital)
  (c) Gerald & Marilyn Wright, Residence Record (42)
  (d) Aldamah Franklin Gilman: 1924 Lowell City Directory; Living with sister Jessie at 9 Ellis Ave. (5b)
  (e) Jessie's mother, Katherine Weymouth, was living with her in 1925/1927 (5a, 42) at 14 McFarlin Ave. (Death certificate on file: Lowell, MA)
  (f) Catherine's birth mother was Jessie Ryant, but she was adopted by her grandmother, Catherine (aka Katie) (Weymouth) Gilman. (43) She was living with Katie in Pittsfield in1920 (4a); they moved to Lowell about 1924 and moved in with Charles (Ervin) and Jessie Ryant at 14 McFarlan Ave. (5a)
  (g) The article in the Lowell Sun, dated 1/27/1941 (page 97) (40c), refers to Jessie's brother Aldamah who died Jan. 16, 1941 in Pittsfield, Maine. He is listed in (1) as Allie. (See: FGS Notes for Frank A. Gilman.)
  (h) Clyde Gilman, who died 7/17/1940 in Lowell, MA, was a very distant relative from a different branch of the Gilman family.
  (J) Anna Mae (Fellows) Ryant: D: Jan. 10, 2013 (30)
  (k) Birth records for Blanche, Ethel, Eva, Aldamah and Jessie do not exist as birth registration in Maine was not required until 1895. (per Dover-Foxcroft Town Clerk)
  (l) Jessie's Obituary has three major errors. Her middle initial is wrong; her middle name was Maud (1-8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 19, 28, 42). Prior to 1922 Dover-Foxcroft was two separate towns. She was born in Foxcroft in 1890. (26) Dover-Foxcroft is in Maine, not Massachusetts as shown.
  (m) After WW2, and sometime into the 1950's, Jessie, Ervin and Bradley lived in a small trailer on Alfred Brunk's farm in Merrilsville, NY. Their only source of water was a spring that ran down the hill adjacent to the trailer. (43)
  (n) Alfred Brunk: b: Dec. 3, 1907; died: Mar. 1, 1969; Oneida, Madison, New York (29, 34)
  (o) Charles F Laflair: D: Feb. 16, 1962; Buried: St Huberts Cemetery, Star Lake, NY (35a, 35b, 35c)
  (p) Mother listed as Florence Robertson is not accurate. (28, 43)
  (q) Jervis Library, Rome, NY (29, 33, 34, 35a)
  (r) Charles Ervin Ryant: Middle name was Ervin (per direct contact from his son Bradley to the author.) The name "Irving" in (17) is wrong.
  (s) Conflict in date of Bradley's death is confirmed by notice in Syracuse Post Standard; Cremation is assumed as funeral home was no help, there were no services, and there is no record of burial.
  (t) Name Variations: Charles (Chas) Ryant (Riant, Ryan); Gilman (Tilman); Pushor (Pusher)

Lineage: Jessie (Gilman) Ryant < Frank A Gilman < James E Gilman < James Gilman < James Gilman < Zebulon Gilman < James Gilman < James Gilman < Moses Gilman < Edward Gilman < Robert Gilman < Edward Gilman5th

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