New York Family Group Sheet for the Nathan N. MCDANIELS Family

Husband: Nathan N. McDANIELS
Birthdate: 1818
Birthplace: Vermont
Death date: Febuary 14, 1892
Place of death: Meade County SD

Marriage date: May 7, 1843
Marriage place: Romeo, Macomb County Michigan

Wife: Laura Ann RICHARDSON
Birthdate: June 1825
Birthplace: New York
Death date: April 15 1905
Place of death: Meade County SD


Child No. 1: Daniel Nathan McDaniels
Sex: m
Birthdate: May 1845
Birthplace: St Clair County Michigan
Death date: October 2 1932
Place of death: Vancouver, Washington
Marriage date: 1872
Marriage place: Bon Homme County, SD
Spouse's name: Clara Amanda Brown

Child No. 2: Aurilla Ann McDaniels
Sex: f
Birthdate: May 7 1847
Birthplace: Shiawasee County Michigan
Death date: May 18 1915
Place of death: Lead Lawrence County SD
Marriage date: 1861
Marriage place: Bon Homme County, SD
Spouse's name: Richard Mariam Johnson

Child No. 3: Mary M McDaniels
Sex: f
Birthdate: 1849
Death date: Abt. 1888
Place of death: Bon Homme County, SD
Marriage date: 1864
Marriage place: Bon Homme County SD
Spouse's name: Thomas J. Tate

Child No. 4: George J. McDaniels
Sex: m
Birthdate: July 1852
Birthplace: Michigan
Death date: February 14 1918
Place of death: Meade County SD
Marriage date: July 4, 1872
Marriage place: Meade County SD
Spouse's name: Rosalie Arista Cory

Child No. 5: Joseph F. McDaniels
Sex: m
Birthdate: November 7, 1854
Birthplace: Iowa
Death date: April 19, 1937
Place of death: Yacolt, Washington
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Ada Filinda Bills

Child No. 6: Rose J McDaniels
Sex: f
Birthdate: 1856
Birthplace: Dakota County, Minnesota
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Munroe Smith

Child No. 7: Esadora E McDaniels
Sex: f
Birthdate: January 1867
Birthplace: Springfield, Bon Homme County SD
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Manley Moore

Child No. 8: Lillian Rosillian McDaniels
Sex: f
Birthdate: June 19, 1860
Birthplace: Bonne Homme County, SD
Death date: August 12, 1917
Place of death: Des Moine Iowa
Marriage date: October 27 1875
Marriage place: Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska
Spouse's name: Eli Newton Valentine
If any one connects with this family please contact me at my email address will be happy to share all information my line is Lillian McDaniels.

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