New York Family Group Sheet for the Hiram Clinton MAYHEW Family

Husband: Hiram Clinton MAYHEW
Birthdate: abt 1819
Birthplace: Deerfield, Massachusetts
Death date: Nov 8,1874
Place of death: Clayton Co, Iowa
Father: Zephaniah Mayhew
Mother: Eunice Crowell

Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place:

Wife: Martha S.
Birthdate: 1824
Birthplace: New York
Death date: Feb 10,1871
Place of death: Clayton Co. Iowa
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: Wallace Emerson Mayhew
Sex: m
Birthdate: dec 14, 1846
Birthplace: Brant, Erie Co. New York
Death date: May 1, 1914
Place of death: Auburn, Washington State
Marriage date: Oct 27,1877
Marriage place: Montorvill, Dodge on, Minn
Spouse's name: Rezina Mason

Child No. 2: George L. Nepolion Mayhew
Sex: m
Birthdate: june 1850
Birthplace: Brant, New York
Death date: unknown
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Sara

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