New York Family Group Sheet for the James Abijah MANSFIELD Family

Husband: James Abijah MANSFIELD
Birthdate: 3 March 1836
Birthplace: Brasher, St. Lawrence Co., NY
Death date: 13 July 1905
Place of death: East Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Father: Abijah Mansfield
Mother: Luenna Hillyard

Marriage date: 23 August 1856
Marriage place: Prairie du Chien, Crawford Co., WI

Wife: Sarah Ann CURRAN
Birthdate: 15 October 1841
Birthplace: Bellmont, Franklin Co., NY;
Baptized 7 February 1842, St. Paul d'Abbotsford Anglican Church, Quebec, Canada
Death date: 11 August 1923
Place of death: Des Moines, Polk Co, Iowa
Father: Benjamin Curran
Mother: Sarah Kennison


Child No. 1: Benjamin A. Mansfield
Sex: M
Birthdate: 3 July 1859
Birthplace: Norfolk, St. Lawrence Co. NY
Death date: 26 October 1908
Place of death: Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa (railroad accident)
Marriage date: 10 September 1883
Marriage place: Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa
Spouse's name: Margaret "Maggie" Thomas

Child No. 2: Douglas D. Mansfield
Sex: M
Birthdate: 22 January 1862
Birthplace: Iowa
Death date: 7 May 1932
Place of death: Clinton, Clinton Co., Iowa (railroad accident)
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Hannah

Child No. 3: Allen Bernard Mansfield
Sex: M
Birthdate: 6 July 1864
Birthplace: Iowa
Death date: 17 December 1896
Place of death: Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa
Marriage date: 20 May 1885
Marriage place: Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa
Spouse's name: Elenor M. Phillips

Child No. 4: Charles Grant Mansfield
Sex: M
Birthdate: 6 February 1867
Birthplace: Iowa
Death date: before 1870
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 5: Carrie Belle Mansfield
Birthdate: 12 November 1869
Birthplace: Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Death date: 5 March 1945
Place of death: Santa Monica, Los Angeles Co., CA
Marriage date: 26 My 1890
Marriage place: Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa
Spouse's name: James Arthur McCullough

Child No. 6: Mary Elizabeth "Mamie" Mansfield
Sex: F
Birthdate: 16 September 1878
Birthplace: Iowa
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: 1. Don Powell; 2. Wm. B. Hammell
* Family records,
* Copies of vital records,
* Copies of obituaries and newspaper articles,
* Copies of census pages, etc.

* Sarah Ann Curren Mansfield married a second time to Wm. McCreary after the death of James Abijah Mansfield. She outlived both husbands and is buried in Marshalltown with James.
* Not much is known about Mamie Mansfield and her families.

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