New York Family Group Sheet for the Abijah MANSFIELD Family #2

Husband: Abijah MANSFIELD
Birthdate: about 1803
Birthplace: Vermont
Death date: 27 August 1867
Place of death: Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Father: James Murphy Mansfield
Mother: Phebe Tamblin Tomlins

Marriage date: about 1833
Marriage place: Brasher Falls, St. Lawrence Co. NY ?

Wife: Luenna HILLYARD
Birthdate: about 1812
Birthplace: Vermont
Death date: 3 June1869
Place of death: Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Father: ??
Mother: ??


Child No. 1: Harriet L. "Hattie" Mansfield
Sex: F
Birthdate: 17 July 1834
Birthplace: Brasher, St. Lawrence Co., NY
Death date: 8 April 1908
Place of death: Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Marriage date: 1 January 1856
Marriage place: Prairie du Chien, Crawford Co., WI
Spouse's name: Henry K. Corning

Child No. 2: James Abijah Mansfield
Sex: M
Birthdate: 3 March 1836
Birthplace: Brasher, St. Lawrence Co., NY
Death date: 13 July 1905
Place of death: East Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Marriage date: 23 August 1856
Marriage place: Prairie du Chien, Crawford Co., WI
Spouse's name: Sarah Ann Curran

Child No. 3: Mary S. "Polly" Mansfield
Sex: F
Birthdate: 15 December 1840
Birthplace: Brasher, St. Lawrence Co., NY
Death date: 18 February 1928
Place of death: Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co., NY
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Charles B. Pushee

Child No. 4: Phebe Ann Mansfield
Sex: F
Birthdate: about 1843
Birthplace: Brasher, St. Lawrence Co., NY
Death date: unknown but before 1864
Place of death:
Marriage date: 19 February 1862
Marriage place: Prairie du Chien, Crawford Co., WI
Spouse's name: Matthew Kennison

Child No. 5: Mandana Mansfield
Birthdate: about 1845
Birthplace: Brasher, St. Lawrence Co., NY
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 6: Charlotte Mansfield
Sex: F
Birthdate: 12 March 1846
Birthplace: Brasher, St. Lawrence Co., NY
Death date: 28 November 1930
Place of death: Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa
Marriage date: 13 July 1864
Marriage place: Illinois
Spouse's name: Matthew Kennison

Child No. 7: Sarah E. Mansfield
Sex: F Birthdate: about 1848
Birthplace: Brasher, St. Lawrence Co., NY
Death date: 22 March 1883
Place of death: Minneapolis, Hennepin Co. MN
Marriage date: 1. 21 November 1866 2. about 1879/80
Marriage place: 1. Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Iowa; 2. Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN
Spouse's name: 1. Andrew Corning; 2. Frederick G. Mayo

Child No. 8: Rufus S. Mansfield
Sex: M
Birthdate: 7 February 1854
Birthplace: Brasher, St. Lawrence Co., NY
Death date: 29 February 1888
Place of death: Columbus, Platte Co., Nebraska (railroad accident)
Marriage date: 24 December 1874
Marriage place: Fort Dodge, Webster Co., Iowa
Spouse's name: Julia/Juliette Dodge
* Family records,
* Copies of vital records,
* Census page copies,
* Copies of obituaries, etc.
* Information about Abijah's first wife came from the LDS website.

* Mandana Mansfield only appears on the 1850 Federal Census for Brasher, St. Lawrence Co., NY as a 5 year old child. She has not been found any other place.
* The date, place and cause of Phebe Ann Mansfield Kennison's death is unknown. Her husband later married her younger sister.
* Sarah E. Mansfield must have divorced her first husband but no record has been found. Both husbands outlived her and both died in 1912.

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