New York Family Group Sheet for the Washington LENHART Family

Husband: Washington LENHART
Birthdate: Nov 1842
Birthplace: OH
Death date: unknown
Place of death: unknown
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown

Wife: Mary BURNES
Birthdate: abt 1851
Birthplace: NY
Death date: Bef 1900
Place of death: prob IA
Father: James B. BURNES
Mother: Mary E. unknown


Child No. 1: Nellie M. LENHART
Sex: F Birthdate: August 1872
Birthplace: IA
Death date: 1960
Place of death: Stutsman Co, ND
Marriage date: August 1900
Marriage place: Minneapolis, MN
Spouse's name: Charles Sumner BUCK

Child No. 2: Samuel F. LENHART
Sex: M
Birthdate: June 1875
Birthplace: IA
Death date: unknown
Place of death: unknown
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: unknown
* 1880 Grant Twp, Linn Co, Iowa Census.
* 1900 Minneapolis, Hennepin Co, MN census.
* Biography of Charles Sumner Buck in Stutsman County, ND history.

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