New York Family Group Sheet for the James Thompson JEWELL Family

Husband: James Thompson JEWELL
Birthdate: 11/2/1839
Birthplace: Albany, Albany Co., New York
Death date: 3/30/1903
Place of death: Albany, Albany Co., New York
Burial: Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands, Albany Co., New York
Father: Henry Lancaster JEWELL
Mother: Margaret CHAMBERS

Marriage date: 12/24/1874
Marriage place: Albany, Albany Co., New York

Wife: Isabella Marion BARNES
Birthdate: 1850
Birthplace: Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., New York
Death date: 7/29/1896
Place of death: Albany, Albany Co., New York
Burial: Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands, Albany Co., New York
Father: Edward BARNES
Mother: Elizabeth LANG


Child No. 1: Margaret C. JEWELL
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1876
Birthplace: Albany, Albany Co., New York
Death date: 1/27/1892
Place of death: Albany, Albany Co., New York
Burial: Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands, Albany Co., New York
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Harry L. JEWELL
Sex: M
Birthdate: 8/1879
Birthplace: Albany, Albany Co., New York
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Dorathia C. _________

Child No. 3: Elizabeth (Bessie) N. JEWELL
Sex: F
Birthdate: 5/27/1881
Birthplace: Albany, Albany Co., New York
Death date: 2/25/1956
Place of death: Oneonta, Otsego Co., New York
Burial: Milford Cemetery, Milford, Otsego Co., New York
Marriage date: [2] 5/10/1919
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: [1] Fred NOONAN [2] Frederick E. NEWKIRK

Child No. 4: Isabella Marion JEWELL
Sex: F
Birthdate: 10/26/1887
Birthplace: Albany, Albany Co., New York
Death date: 2/22/1957
Place of death: Albany, Albany Co., New York
Burial: Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands, Albany Co., New York
Marriage date: 10/26/1909
Marriage place: Albany, Albany Co., New York
Spouse's name: John (Simy) Johnson SIM Sr.
1. Records, Albany County, New York.
2. Records. Otsego County, New York.
3. Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands, Albany Co., New York.
4. Milford Cemetery, Milford, Otsego Co., New York.
5. 1840-1940 Federal Census.
6. 1855-1925 New York State Census.
7. New York State Vital Statistics.

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